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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 1

No, when the Lord appears it is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita that He does so in His Own Internal Potency. This Internal Potency is called Yoga Maya. All Pastimes and activities of the Lord are administered by the Yoga Maya. Therefore, He is not under the influence of material energy, as the conditioned souls are.

Letter to Upendra, 1 March, 1968

February 28

We have no interpretation in any one of the verses in the Gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. They were not fictitious and therefore there is no need of interpretation.

Letter to Rayarama, 28 February, 1967

February 27

I am an old man now, and my interests are turning to philosophy and translation. If you help me by relieving me from this administrative work, that will free me to give you so many more fine books from Vedic literature and from our own devotional line. So kindly assist me in this way.

Letter to Mohanananda, 27 February, 1972

February 26

If you can move with this Kirtana party, say a batch of 12 to 15 heads, all over the States, as well as Europe, I am sure we will be more popular than the so-called yogi Maharishi Mahesa.

Letter to Brahmananda, 26 February, 1968

February 25

I am pleased to note that you are painting nicely, so go on improving your abilities because we will require so many paintings for our temples. You may paint pictures of Guru Maharaja, me, Bhaktivinode Thakura, Gaura Kisora, Panca-tattva, Sankirtana, etc. We have immense work to be done so you become expert painter. That will engladden me, and it will be a great benefit to all society.

Letter to Kancanbala, 25 February, 1969

February 23

Who will work and who will not work that is consideration between yourselves. It is local affairs, and how can I advise you that one is to do something and another is to do something. Neither you should depend upon me for such local administrative business. All of you are sincere devotees pledged to the missionary activities, so you should sit together and decide what to do and what not to do.

Letter to Cidananda, Dindayal, Aniruddha, Makhanlal, 23 February, 1969

February 22

Now our policy should be as follows: 1. the layout should be done by us, 2. there should be no advertisements, 3. under different headings we shall publish articles from Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita, Nectar of Devotion, Vedanta Philosophy, Upanisads, etc. as well as comic pictures when possible. Besides that, if some of our students write as they have assimilated the philosophy, that also should be welcome.

Letter to Rayarama, 22 February, 1969

February 21

It is nice they are maintaining and increasing the Rathayatra program in Philadelphia. Last year's program was very nice. That is good they have sold the jewelry business; we have got so nice book business, why shall we have this? You say Atlanta has pledged $33,000, that is nice, whose business can give us profit like that? Letter to Rupanuga, 21 February, 1976

February 20

My special mission is to complete the Srimad-Bhagavatam in 60 volumes, so the most important thing on the part of the International Society is to organize the sales propaganda, of all the books that you are publishing. If there is less sales propaganda then the outlet of the books will be bottlenecked, and smooth printing work will stop. You have not only to print, but you have to sell them.

Letter to Brahmananda, 20 February, 1968

February 19

Dhoop arati may be performed in the morning if there is unusually great complaining, but it is better to hold full arati, but quietly, as in Bombay they play a tape-recording of myself singing arati softly and hold full arati. We should not try to diminish our standard of deity worship once it has reached a certain program, and it is especially nice to wake up Radha and Krishna with full arati with everyone dancing, but quietly.

Letter to Upendra, 19 February, 1972
