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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 27

Actually, I have no desire to start the school in any city. City life, especially in this age of kali yuga, is very much polluted. Poet Cowper stated that the city is made by man and the village is made by God. So in the village there is a natural tendency for Krishna Consciousness, so we want to develop such atmosphere in New Vrindaban. Your cooperation in this matter will very much encourage me.

Letter to Satyabhama, 27 December, 1968

December 26

Regarding the use of Ostrich feathers, we don't find such things mentioned in the sastras, only peacock feathers. But, there is no harm. It is for dressing the Deity.

Letter to Adi Kesava, 26 December, 1976

December 25

There is sufficient merit in our books that if you simply describe them sincerely to anyone, they will buy. That art you must develop, not art of lying. Convince them to give by your preaching the Absolute Truth, not by tricking, that is more mature stage of development of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Sri Govinda, 25 December, 1972

December 24

The idea of distribution of Prasadam is long standing, and I suggested this from the very beginning of my missionary activities, both in New York, and in San Francisco. But it has never come to any practical shape till now. Therefore, if you can actually start a Prasadam distribution program, it will be very very nice. But to start a separate restaurant for this purpose does not appeal to me. If we have Prasadam distribution program it is to be done in the temple premises, not separately. Separate attempt will require separate energy diverted from the temple management. Therefore if you do at all start Prasadam distribution, try to do it in the temple itself.

Letter to Cidananda, 24 December, 1968

December 23

As stated in your letter now you are retired from your job and your daughters are getting married. This means that your grhastha life is almost finished. Therefore, according to Varnasrama Dharma you should spend the rest of your life simply engaged in there devotional service of the Lord. It has been the ancient custom that the man in the later years of his life, usually after the age of 50, prepares to leave home and takes the order of vanaprastha, taking pilgrimages to different holy lands. Then eventually he may take sannyasa, the renounced order of life, with no connection with family whatsoever. This is actually necessary as it is recommended by Sri Krsna Himself.

Letter to Sri Srinivasan, 23 December, 1974

December 22

We should always be enthusiastic to try for shooting the rhinoceros. That way, if we fail, everybody will say Never mind, nobody can shoot a rhinoceros anyway, and if we succeed, then everyone will say, Just see, what a wonderful thing they have done.

Letter to Balavanta, 22 December, 1971

December 21

I was much aggrieved to hear the news of your accident and I was very anxious to learn that you are lying now in the hospital. I hope that you are progressing nicely but in any condition I request that you continue to chant the Maha Mantra, Hare Krishna. Here is a chance for you to chant Hare Krishna exclusively in the hospital bed.

Letter to Mr. Ginsberg, 21 December, 1968

December 20

Why the wife should be disturbed if she is living not in the association of her husband. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to East Bengal for preaching, his first wife was alone. Wife's duty is not to disturb the husband. That is Vedic principle. The marriage relationship is not for sex. Of course, that is the way in this age. So, such wife may marry for the second time, what can be done? Vedic marriage is not for sex.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 20 December, 1976

December 19

You may inform Jadurani that the picture she has sent is alright with necessary adjustments. Krsna is of course to be pictured in the same dress in all the scenes of the Kuruksetra delivery of Bhagavad-gita because the episode took place all within about one half hour.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 19 December, 1970

December 18

What do you think of exporting nice United States cows such as the ones you have there and in New Vrndavana to India so we can raise them in our Vrndavana and Mayapur projects and provide nice milk? Is it possible?

Letter to Rupanuga, 18 December, 1974
