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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 16

I think that is you feel too much inconvenience just now by remaining in Boston with Satsvarupa, then you may go to some other center for some time with the art department and carry on your work there. Sometimes such separation for a time is beneficial for husband and wife both, but there is never any question of divorce.

Letter to My Dear Daughter Jadurani, 16 November, 1970

November 15

So for maintaining the Gurukula at least the cost price for the books must be paid. Gurukula can take the profit for its maintenance. BBT cannot pay for maintenance of the temples. BBT can only pay for printing and temple properties and construction.

Letter to Jagadisa, Jayatirtha and Dayananda dasa, 15 November, 1974

November 14

This book distribution, that was my Guru Maharaja's purpose. He said that I have got so many temples and now in Calcutta I have got a marble temple, but I would have wished that if by selling the marbles I could publish and distribute books. Now by the mercy of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada I am doing both by the co-operation of my American disciples. I am constructing so many marble temples and I am distributing so many books on Krsna consciousness. This does not mean that I am excelling my Guru Maharaja, but it is the mercy of my Guru Maharaja that he is giving me the facility for doing both.

Letter to Ramesvara das, 14 November, 1975

November 13

Where is the CIA message in our books that they are claiming? They are claiming that we are CIA's, but where is the CIA message in our books? Our books are simply on the basis of Krsna consciousness. What better service are we doing than publishing these books?

Letter to Alanatha das, 13 November, 1975

November 12

I have never studied science, but I am challenging them. They may take me as crazy, but I am not crazy. I am right.

Letter to Hamsaduta das, 12 November, 1974

November 11

It is my earnest desire to have my books translated and published in Russian and Polish. Yes, the translations must be checked. Work with Jayatirtha in that connection. I think Easy Journey to Other Planets will be very much appreciated because it is the scientific basis of our Krishna Consciousness Movement.

Letter to Kirtiraja, 11 November, 1976

November 10

Regarding your question about the dancing, the dancing should be done enthusiastically by raising the hands like Panca-Tattva. You can also dance enthusiastically by raising hands. All of Lord Caitanya's followers used to dance with raised hands. If someone dances with ecstasy, that is all right, but it is better to dance with raised hands.

Letter to Kirtanananda Swami, 10 November, 1975

November 8

The Deity worship must be continued by everyone. Another secret of success is that when one is very much sexually disturbed he should think of Lord Krishna's pastimes with the Gopis, and he will forget his sex urge. To think of Krishna's pastimes with Gopis, but not to try to imitate.

Letter to Hayagriva, 8 November, 1968

November 7

I am very much pleased to see all these pictures and our magazines gives information to the people that we do not stick only to the cities, but we train people in the remote villages also. So everything should be done very attentively and amicably.

Letter to Brahmananda, 7 November, 1969

November 6

Regarding the picture, Panca-tattva, I do not think there is necessity of putting them in perspective. Actually they are standing on the same line. Just like a group photo is taken and nobody looks smaller or greater. That is the system. But the thing is that if you make Lord Caitanya smaller, that would not be nice. He should be larger, and actually he was very large and broad shouldered.

Letter to Jadurani, 6 November, 1968
