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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 5

That school is very, very important business, and the best man must be found out for taking charge there and developing it nicely, and if he sticks and works hard to build it up, that will please me very much.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 5 November, 1972

November 4

So far as corresponding with the other West Coast presidents, that can be done from here also. Here you can talk with Mukunda and others about the World Sankirtana Party. There is good possibility. Simply it requires some good organization. Therefore you are called.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 4 November, 1969

November 3

Regarding those professors who say that Siva is the Supreme, in the Rg Veda it is stated: "om tad visnoh paramam padam.'' The lotus feet of Visnu are the supreme devotional platform. There Visnu is accepted as the Supreme. So there are 18 Puranas. Six of them are for persons in the modes of ignorance, some for those in passion, and the topmost are for those in goodness, the sattvic puranas. If one intelligently reads the Puranas and Vedas, then he can understand that Visnu is the Supreme Person. But, for those on the stage of ignorance and passion, sometimes such statements are there.

Letter to Satsvarupa das Goswami, 3 November, 1974

November 2

Thakura Bhaktivinode's book Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu may be printed in thousands and distributed.

Letter to Rayarama, 2 November, 1967

November 1

As far as the results of one's good karma is concerned, good karma returns in that he is surrendering to Krsna. One comes to the point of surrender when one has actually amassed the result of multi pious activities. This is stated in the Caitanya Caritamrta as quoted from the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.12.11).

Letter to Acyutananda Maharaja, 1 November, 1973

October 31

Regarding the disciplic succession coming from Arjuna, disciplic succession does not always mean that one has to be initiated officially. Disciplic succession means to accept the disciplic conclusion. Arjuna was a disciple of Krishna and Brahma was also a disciple of Krishna. Thus there is no disagreement between the conclusions of Brahma and Arjuna. Vyasadeva is in the disciplic succession of Brahma. The teachings to Arjuna was recorded by Vyasadeva verbatim. So according to the axiomatic truth, things equal to one another are equal to each other. We are not exactly directly from Vyasadeva, but our Gurudeva is a representative of Vyasadeva. Because Vyasadeva and Arjuna are of equal status, being students of Krishna, therefore we are in the disciplic succession of Arjuna.

Letter to Dinesh, 31 October, 1969

October 30

It is correct that the brahmajyoti is comprised of spiritual souls and that ultimately nothing is impersonal. Dead matter means forgetfulness of Krsna.

Letter to Srutadeva, 30 October, 1976

October 29

If one is always careful about falling down and prays to Krishna that he may not fall down on account of greater strength of Maya, then Krishna will give him special protection. This was advised to Arjuna by Krishna Himself. Arjuna was a great fighter, statesman, and at the same time a great devotee. A statesman and military commander has very little time to perform the routine work of devotional service, but Krishna advised him especially to be engaged in his occupational duty, and at the same time always be thinking of Krishna. This is the secret of not being a victim of Maya.

Letter to Gargamuni, 29 October, 1969

October 28

We have to concentrate to give them some idea about God—that should be our first business. In art class they should be encouraged to draw pictures of Krsna, Kuruksetra, etc. There are so many subjects for drawing as it is stated in our book Krsna. If they are trained, they will come out nice devotees. It will depend on the process of training. Regarding some misbehavior, that we have to check by training peacefully. Your attitude of tolerance and kindness is very nice, so train them in this way.

Letter to Bhavananda, 28 October, 1970

October 27

I am so glad to learn that a Krishna Conscious male child has been born now. His name should be Premananda Brahmacari. Premananda means one who is always absorbed in love of Krishna. So take care of this nice child and raise him along with the other boys in New Vrindaban so that a new generation of Krishna Conscious children will come out of this movement.

Letter to Paramananda, 27 October, 1969
