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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 24

Your proposal for a grhastha travelling Sankirtana party is a very good one but the temple work should not be neglected. Both things should go on simultaneously. Our process is to work on Bhagavata and Pancaratriki systems simultaneously. Deity worship is pancaratriki system and preaching is Bhagavata system. If we keep both systems in a regular way that will help us solidly in our advancement in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Makhanlal and Tilaka devi, 24 September, 1971

September 23

I shall be glad to know how you're meeting in the Hindu center, and how the meetings are being carried successfully. These people might be impersonalists, so far I can understand from the handbill, but still, we can perform Kirtana in any place. It does not matter what they are. By our Kirtana process we have to influence others.

Letter to Yamuna, 23 September, 1968

September 20

Encouragement to the dead souls in the western countries is to inform them that God is not dead. He is not only alive but also we can go and live with Him face to face. The Bhagavad-gita gives us this specific information and one who goes there in the Kingdom of God would never come back to this miserable material world. There is no need of artificial talents. One has to serve Krishna sincerely with whatsoever talent one may have. Guidance of the Spiritual Master and sincere service to the Lord will give us all strength in the science of Krishna.

Letter to Dayananda, Nandarani and Uddhava, 20 September, 1967

September 19

We should know it well that Krishna is no poor man, and He can give us any amount at any time. Simply He is waiting to see that we will use it according to His desire. So the more we spend in His service, the more He will provide, rest assured.

Letter to Bhagavan das, 19 September, 1970

September 18

Regarding collecting fund: The Brahmacaris, Vanaprastha, and Sannyasis are not supposed to earn money like Grhasthas. The Grhasthas or the householders can engage himself in earning money, either by accepting job or some professional work. But a Brahmacari, Vanaprastha, and Sannyasi is supposed only to depend on Krishna and beg from the Grhasthas. The same system can be followed if it is possible. You are completely right when you think that if by begging alms we can provide ourself, we should not accept any job.

Letter to Sivananda, 18 September, 1968

September 17

This evening in the garden Srila Prabhupada sat with his back very straight and with his eyes opened wide chanted, "Govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami. This is our pride. We are servants to the most regal person - Krishna. Everyone is servant but our pride is that we are servant to Krishna. Govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami."

September 1972, Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 13

September 16

Tears for Krishna is as good as associating with Him personally. In the spiritual world separation is more valuable than meeting.

Letter to Janaki, 16 September, 1967

September 15

Every one can become a pure devotee if he has no other desire than to serve Krsna and the Spiritual Master.

Letter to Sudevi dasi, 15 September, 1972

September 14

When we speak of Philosophy it is something higher than the attempt of combining the East and the West. The whole cosmic situation is a complete unit and unless and attempt genuine is made for harmonizing the whole disturbed system and partial attempt on our part however large in magnitude will fail to approach the ultimate goal. Sages of India realized this by a perfect deductive process which descends on human consciousness by the transcendental unbroken chain of disciplic succession - that material civilization is a gigantic temporary demonstration of a rabid process of sense-gratification. In that mode of civilization the sense organs are given unrestricted liberty to gratify ever-increasing desires and the whole show of cultural advancement in science, art, education, trade, industry economics and politics is only varied activities of the sense organs.

Letter to Mr. Bailey, 14 September, 1951

September 13

Now I have invested the GBC for maintaining the standard of our Krsna Consciousness Society, so keep the GBC very vigilant. I have already given you full directions in my books. Please counteract this contamination which has been spread throughout our Society.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 13 September, 1970
