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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 1

Mundane archeologists are mistaken because they say from monkey the human beings have come into existence, but at the present moment both the human being and the monkey are existing. The monkey is not extinct. So these theories are not correct. Nobody has seen a monkey giving birth to a human being. As the monkey and the human being are existing side by side at present, so for millions of years they were existing like this. That is our theory. The modern material archeology has no meaning for us. Our realization is depending on the spiritual platform. Transmigration of the soul does not depend on history.

Letter to Bahu Rupa das, 1 September, 1975

August 31

Regarding the Regina temple, if it is already opened then maintain it, otherwise we should not open more centers at this time, especially in the smaller cities, it is better to go there with traveling Sankirtana parties, that was my point. And the deities in a moving vehicles is all right, providing they are cared for properly, so do the needful. Everything has to be done expertly that is my point.

Letter to Jagadisa, 31 August, 1973

August 30

This is to certify that Sriman Bhagavan das Adhikari is an ordained minister in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, of the title Bhakti-sastri, and fully qualified to instruct on Krishna Consciousness and Vedic literature in general. He has been studying under me for many years and is one of my foremost disciples.

Letter to Whom it may concern, 30 August, 1971

August 29

Do not be depressed. All along my godbrothers gave me only depression, repression, compression - but I continued strong in my duty. So never mind there is some discouragement, continue with your work in full enthusiastic Krishna Consciousness attitude of service.

Letter to Gurudas, 29 August, 1972

August 28

My special blessings for Palika and Kausalya prabhus who are doing so much for our Lord and they must be specifically blessed to go back home, back to Godhead without any delay for waiting for the next life. Thank them very much on my behalf.

Letter to Bhavananda, 28 August, 1973

August 28

Our policy should be to only publish our Krishna Consciousness articles in various forms. We are not concerned with any other movement save and except Krishna Consciousness in its pure form. In India it is said that a little bit of a pure thing is much better than huge volumes of impure, adulterated things. So please try to follow this policy and publish in BTG only pure Krishna Conscious articles.

Letter to Brahmananda, 27 August, 1969

August 26

All initiates of mine must strictly follow the four principles of no meat, fish or egg, eating; no gambling; no intoxication of any kind; and no illicit sex. They must chant 16 rounds a day minimum with attention, clearly chanting the mantra, and listening very carefully. This is the recommended process for purifying the heart in this sinful age of Kali. Be serious to push on this sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and certainly He will bless you and your life will become perfect, na ca tasmad manusyesu kascit me priya-krtama, anyone who preaches this message of the Bhagavad-gita is the most dear servant of the Lord.

Letter to Bhakta dasa, 26 August, 1976

August 25

In the vedic ceremony the paraphernalia required for the sacrificial ceremony includes five kinds of powder, five kinds of leaves, five kinds of cow products, five kinds of grains and five kinds of jewels. So these are required for offering to the sacrifice: Five items of five kinds. So because we cannot collect all these things conveniently, we simply are satisfied with five kinds of powders. In the vedic system also when eatables are offered to somebody, five varieties of dishes are offered. Another significance of the vedic system is that arbitration is also made of five men. So this "five'' is mentioned in many places. Just like in devotional service. Narada has written also five kinds of literatures; They are called Narada pancaratra. So it is traditional vedic system. What for they were made in routine in terms of "five'' that is very difficult to find out but traditionally it is followed by vedic disciples as far as possible.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 25 August, 1971

August 24

So those who are not able to perform the cent per cent progress, they have to remain in the material world, but according to the percentage of progress, they are allowed to take their next birth either in a rich family or in a very pure family; in both the cases, one is given the chance to have human form of life so that one can make progress from the point where he ended in his last life. The best thing is that every intelligent man must try to finish this business of Krishna Consciousness in this life. Finishing means one has to conclude that he has no more any necessity for material enjoyment. Spiritual enjoyment of life is the reality, and when one is perfectly prepared to accept spiritual enjoyment, and completely understands the uselessness of material enjoyment, that is the perfectional point of view.

Letter to Aniruddha, 24 August, 1969

August 23

I am sure this Prasadam attraction will make our neighbors friendly and surely they will come in number in future so that New Vrindaban will be ideal place for visiting from the neighboring provinces, counties, I think so and it will be done nicely.

Letter to Kirtanananda Swami Maharaja and Hayagriva Brahmacari Prabhu, 23 August, 1968
