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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 16

Both mangal aratrik and sundar aratrik can be changed according with sunrise and sunset. We are not concerned with the time, but with the sun's movement. Sundar aratrik may be performed one half to one hour after sunset. So the decoration of the temple room and offering Bhoga to the Deities should be done as nicely as possible as it is within our capacity. This is the sign of love.

Letter to Yamuna and Gurudasa, 16 April, 1970

April 15

I wish, therefore, that in this congress a combination of the most intelligent personalities of all nations shall unite together and teach the people in general, ignorant in spiritual knowledge, that
(1) Human life is based on spiritual ground
(2) Spirit is separate superior element than matter and
(3) by spiritual culture of life only the human society can be brought into perfection.

Letter to Sir of Japan, 15 April, 1961

April 14

I am so pleased to learn how the crowd gave their attention to your street play. This is transcendental entertainment. And to distribute Prasadam sumptuously to the crowd is strictly in our Vedic tradition. Now the police have given you permission for continuing the program of festivals throughout the summer, so you get this permission positively. That will serve our purpose in many ways. If the people do not put any hindrance to our routine work, surely we will be able to render a great service to the state.

Letter to Madhudvisa, 14 April, 1970

April 13

There are many political parties in a state but in spite of all political jealousies they are one in serving the state. Similarly Krishna being the center all competition and jealousies for serving Krishna the best is always Absolute provided such jealousies do not come down to the material plane.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 13 April, 1967

April 12

I can understand that you are a family man. You cannot expend the whole amount you earn, but as your wife has proposed that she can allow you to spare 50%. So either 50% or any per cent you can easily spare for the Society, we shall welcome. Don't be overburdened. We don't want anyone to be overburdened.

Letter to Janardana, 12 April, 1967

April 11

Regarding Sankirtana Parties in New York, Krsna will provide devotees, don't be worried. Krsna can provide anything and everything within a moment, but He waits to test a devotee. And when the devotee comes out successful from the test, He gives him all opportunity for devotional service. So everyone of you should go on with the Sankirtana Party and gradually Krsna will send more and more devotees to join you.

Letter to Rsi Kumara, 11 April, 1970

April 10

I am very glad that you are going to marry Manmohini Dasi and I have got my full sanction and blessings for this unity. Nanda Kisora and his wife and yourself and your wife, four together, organize the center in Providence which is already wonderful and by your propaganda of Krsna Consciousness it will be heavenly. As soon as a center is open and my disciples conduct it nicely, it gives me Vaikuntha bliss. Vamanadeva is doing very nicely in St. Louis, and I am sending herewith some pictures of his activities. So Bali Mardan and Upendra are doing in Sydney also. All these newses are to me life-giving ambrosia, so the more you open branches, the more I increase my duration of life. Therefore, if you all my students want me to live for some days more, go on opening nice branches as many as possible.

Letter to Sridama, 10 April, 1970

April 9

We should always remember at the same time that we want to understand our business only and not try to become very scholarly because time is very short. But some of us, as you are trying may proceed on as far as possible on the scholastic way.

Letter to Pradyumna, 9 April, 1970

April 8

I think that the best thing for you is to study our books very carefully and then try to write something. Do not try to concoct your own theories. This is not the process. You must write just as you have heard from your Guru and nothing else. Otherwise, your writing is useless.

Letter to Bhakta Dennis, 8 April, 1975

April 7

I am very glad to learn that Lord Jesus Christ has approved our activities. Perhaps you have marked it in my preaching work that I love Lord Jesus Christ as good as Krishna; because He rendered the greatest service to Krishna according to time circumstances and society in which He appreared. Similarly Hajrat Mohammed and Lord Buddha also rendered greatest service to the human society according to circumstances. So work with more enthusiasm and we are sure to be successful in our great mission.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 7 April, 1967
