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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 26

Regarding your question about kirtana, practically we are not concerned with the instruments. They are used sometimes to make it sweeter, but if we divert our attention for using the instruments more, that is not good. Generally kirtana is performed with mrdanga and karatalas, but if somebody is expert instrument player, he can be admitted to join Sankirtana. We can accept everything for Krishna's service, but not of diverting attention to any other thing which will hinder our Krishna Consciousness. That should be our motto, or principle.

Letter to Jadurani, 26 May, 1969

May 25

In everything we do devotion and sincerity are the real things. There is a word in Sanskrit; bhava grahi janardana. This means the Lord accepts service in devotional emotion. If we are sincere in offering something to the Lord in devotional love, He will accept it. The procedure may not be very right, but the desire being sincere, He accepts our offering.

Letter to Mandali Bhadra, 25 May, 1969

May 24

I am glad to see that all of the other programs are going on nicely, especially that the deities are being cared for again properly. Now you give our ladies full facilities and help them by giving them money and other things wherever required by them so that our deity program will not be lacking.

Letter to Giriraja, 24 May 1972

May 23

Unless there is connection with a bona fide spiritual master, coming in the line of disciplic succession, there is no possibility of making progress in spiritual life. So I have established ISKCON centers for the purpose of catching up the Lotus Feet of Krishna by intimate connection with the spiritual master. These are my authorized centers for that purpose. You say that whatever I instruct you, you will carry out, so again my instruction is that you abandon this independent scheme and join your good god-brothers and sisters at some one of our ISKCON centers.

Letter to Friends, 23 May, 1972

May 22

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura said that materialistic knowledge is another expansion of the influence of Maya. The result of material education is that the living entity forgets his own identification and takes to the business of a particular type of body which is given to him by the grace of Maya. The Vedic education means one has to understand his real identity as brahman or the spirit soul. Unfortunately the modern educational system is so defective that everyone is educated to accept this body as self.

Letter to Hayagriva, 22 May, 1970

May 21

If we are engaged in writing and speaking on behalf of Krishna, this is the best process for advancing in Krishna Consciousness. Such activity forces us to think very clearly on the subject matter in order to speak or write on it to convince others.

Letter to Ranadhira, 21 May, 1972

May 20

In this world of duality, this is good and this is bad has no meaning, it is called manodharma, mental concoction. However, the real truth is that Krsna says that: duhkhalayam asasvatam [Bg. 8.15], the world is a place of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. Now this is good misery or bad misery? Misery is misery; and you have to die, good die or bad die? So to us everything material, without connection to Krsna, is to be rejected as stool, otherwise we will waste valuable time needed to solve the real problems of life, namely, birth, death, disease, and old-age.

Letter to Dr. Wolf, 20 May, 1976

May 19

I have recommended this traveling extensively for the GBC men, just as I am doing it. If I did not travel there would be no nice organization. Traveling and preaching, that is the Sankirtana movement.

Letter to Jagadisa, 19 May, 1972

May 18

Thank you very much for your complete report of the situation in London. We can understand from this incident that the most important point is that everyone, especially the leaders, must always stick to the basic regulative practices that I have given, especially 16 rounds each day.

Letter to Bhagavan, 18 May, 1973

May 17

It is very, very encouraging that you are holding kirtanas in public places and some way or other people are becoming interested. These outdoor kirtanas should be rigidly followed at least one hour daily. That will make our movement popular there.

Letter to Krishna das, 17 May, 1969
