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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 19

Fortunately you have got a very good husband, and you are also a very good wife. So, live co-operatively and help him in writing essays which he has done very nicely. In this way, both of you will be happy and successful in life.

Letter to Taitreya, 19 June, 1975

June 18

I was very pleased to see how you are getting top-ranking men to read my books. That is real preaching. If all the government officers at least purchase some of our books, it will be a great credit so do it very nicely.

Letter to Tejyas das, 18 June, 1976

June 17

Generally it is the process to simply chant and hear, but if Krishna's lila comes into remembrance, that is very good. It should come automatically. Not that you are remembering artificially.

Letter to Prahladananda, 17 June, 1971

June 16

You should know that the Hare Krishna Mantra has an equal effect upon all devotees. Just like the sunshine has an equal effect on everyone, but when it is covered, the sunshine has a different effect. Similarly, the influence of the Hare Krishna Mantra becomes manifest when one is no longer covered by the ten offenses to chanting. The more we become free from the ten offenses, the more the effect of chanting becomes manifested through us. Everyone can become a great devotee, being freed from the offenses 100%, simply by one's determination and effort.

Letter to Arundhati, 16 June, 1969

June 15

So remain always compact in Vaikuntha yajna, simply by thinking of the Glories of the Lord. Don't try to do anything artificially. That is sahajiya, which means a class of men that take everything very cheap. You want to perform sacrifice so continuously read our Vedic scriptures and perform the Vaikuntha yajna.

Letter to Himavati, 15 June, 1972

June 14

We do not require any money for our personal account, we shall always be happy with anything Krishna is happy to supply us for maintenance, but for the preaching purposes, we can accommodate to receive all the riches of the world. So let us try with sincerity, and Krishna will help us in the matter of our advancing the cause of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Himavati, 14 June, 1968

June 13

Regarding your question whether you may go to Rathayatra festival, yes, you may go because in your present temple the Deities are not regularly installed. So you can close the temple for a few days keeping in front of the Deities some dried fruits and a tumbler of water.  When the Deity is installed it is called niyama seva. That means the routine seva prescribed after installation you cannot stop. But Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is very kind to the fallen souls of the Kali Yuga and He is satisfied with chanting of Hare Krsna mantra. And for chanting the Hare Krsna mantra there is no hard and fast rules and regulations, so if you are absent for chanting Hare Krsna mantra somewhere else, it is as good as to chant the Hare Krsna mantra in the temple. Your chanting may not be stopped; it does not matter where you chant.

Letter to Revatinandana, 13 June, 1970

June 12

Regarding your questions, no, the descendants from Advaita are to be considered as dvijabandhu, that is, unless they are like brahmanas, that is, very highly qualified to know the higher values of life in the Vedic traditional way, so in that way even he is long descended from Advaita, unless he is qualified he cannot be worshipable. Nityananda has no seminal descendants, his son Birbhadra was never married. If someone said he is descended from Nityananda, that means from one of his disciples. These persons may be given some respect, but they are not equal to Advaita.

Letter to Acyutananda, 12 June, 1972

June 11

Regarding the construction of the Temple here in New York and in other places, I have now decided to struggle for it to the end of my life and I am glad that you have decided to follow my instruction in this connection. I think I shall be able to finish this Job even if the Government of India does not allow me any exchange. I am now trying to incorporate one corporation of the local friends and admirers under the name INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS INC Negotiation is going on with the Lawyer to formulate the scheme and as soon as this is incorporated I shall submit application for sponsoring you in this country.

Letter to Mangalaniloy Brahmacari, 11 June, 1966

June 10

It is confirmed in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, as you might have seen it, that one who hears about Krishna, for him, Krishna helps in various ways and the first thing is that He cleanses the mind of all dusty matter and by continuing such chanting and by reading regularly Srimad-Bhagavatam, one becomes gradually freed from the influence of passion and ignorance, and thus becomes situated in goodness. In such platform one can engage oneself in serious devotional service, and thus one becomes illuminated with the transcendental knowledge of Krishna. This stage is called liberated stage, and at this time one becomes freed from all doubts and material bondage, and thus his life becomes successful.

Letter to Harivilasa, 10 June, 1968
