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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 9

I am also glad to learn that you have a child within your womb, and please accept all my blessings for the newcomer for whom we shall be very glad to receive just after a few months. Please take care of your health so that the child may grow very healthy and become Krishna Conscious. Prahlada Maharaja was in the womb of his mother and heard the instruction of Narada Muni and later on he became the most famous devotee of Lord Krishna. It is the duty of all parents to make every child Krishna Conscious, so that the fortunate child born of Krishna Conscious parents may not have any more to take birth in this material world.

Letter to Nandarani, 9 June, 1967

June 8

The deity program must be improved very gorgeously. Flower garlands should be expanded, and all expenditures for the deities must be expanded without any miserly contemplation. Our temple should be so gorgeously decorated that we shall excel all Bombay temples. This is my idea. Try to fulfill it. When they hear that we decorate our deities so gorgeously, people will throng, and on festival days especially, like Janmastami, Jhulana Yatra, etc. So four or five devotees should be always engaged in deity worship.

Letter to Giriraja, 8 June, 1972

June 7

Certainly, your conclusion is very nice; we should always depend on Krishna. But for service, we can make our plan, and Krishna will help us.

Letter to Gurudasa, 7 June, 1968

June 6

As a matter of fact, I am trying to develop a township in Mayapur spending crores of rupees to give protection against the occasional innundation (flood) and construct a tall planetarium estimated to be 300 feet high. So why they are obstructing this program? What is the harm to them? People are already coming from all parts of the world to see Mayapur and join in the Sankirtana Movement, so if something more attractive is done, more people will come from all parts of the world. So what is their tangible objection? Of course, they cannot do all these things, it is beyond their power, but if somebody else does it, why should they be envious and obstructive to this plan?

Letter to Sripada B.R. Sridhara Maharaja, 6 June, 1976

June 5

I am especially attracted to the pictures you have sent of Radha Giridhari, the deities of San Diego ISKCON. I have placed one picture on my desk and I am always admiring the beautiful decoration and the transcendental beauty of these deities. So although your temple may not be one of the largest you are excelling in deity worship; if you can maintain and increase this standard, everything will come successfully.

Letter to Nrsimha Caitanya, 5 June, 1974

May 31

Actually, one should not circumambulate when the Deity is open. It is stated in the Nectar of Devotion.

Letter to Kirtanananda Swmi, 31 May, 1975

May 30

Of course, disagreements may be there, but there should not be dissension. I shall be glad to hear from you what is the point of dissension, and if it isn't very serious, I think you should ask Aniruddha not to be affected by such flimsy disagreement.

Letter to Umapati, 30 May, 1968

May 29

Person means not a dead stone. Person means all living entities. We cannot understand in our present material condition. An example is a stone in the spiritual world; if I ask it to move, it will move automatically. In the material world it will not. Universal form is a person also, and from that universal form so many things are appearing.

Letter to Gaura Hari, 29 May, 1971

May 28

My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition. I had no idea to spend money and energy of our society in a way which is not our real spiritual life.

Letter to Rupanuga Maharaja, 28 May, 1974

May 27

I am old man, and there has already been warning, but before I leave this body, I wish to see some of you very strong in Krishna Consciousness understanding.

Letter to Mukunda, 27 May, 1969
