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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 28

Actually, Krishna is kind to everyone, but when He sees that a living entity is becoming a little serious to make perfection in life, then Krishna takes special care to give such living entity all necessary facilities. Now you have the greatest opportunity to do very nice service to the Lord, because you are now in a foreign country and are helping to pave the way for a very successful Krishna Consciousness temple in Germany. So continue to take advantage of this opportunity as the Lord has kindly given you, and surely He will bestow all of His blessings upon.

Letter to Vrndavanesvari, 28 July, 1969

July 25

Yes, it is very good work that you are doing by making children's books on Krsna conscious subject matter. We have got so many children now in New Vrndavana and it is also learned that in England and Holland the young grammar school boys and girls are eagerly taking to this process of chanting Hare Krsna. So what is learned in the early years of life will not depart for the whole life, therefore do this work very carefully to explain simply and directly Who is Krsna, who we are, what is the material world, what is the relationship of Krsna with the living entities, how we should act in that relationship, etc.

Letter to Ekayani Dasi, 25 July, 1970

July 24

Actually, the modern astronauts are trying to reach the moon planet, and even if they reach there they cannot live there; and even if they live there, that is also not permanent.

Letter to Brahmananda, 24 July, 1969

July 23

Regarding book distribution, everyone, including book distributers, must follow the standard regulations. Book distribution is preaching, it should not be thought of as done for money. It is executed as a preaching purpose. With these guidelines in mind, try to distribute as many books as possible.

Letter to Kurusrestha, 23 July, 1973

July 22

Jaya Govinda was correct in his observation that Radha-Krishna Pastimes should not be discussed at the present time. Unless one is highly elevated in spiritual understanding it is risky to discuss these Pastimes. Caitanya Mahaprabhu never discussed Radha-Krishna Lila with ordinary persons. We have so many other things to discuss; what is the soul, what is bhakti. To understand Radha and Krishna's Pastimes, that is our aim, but we should not indulge in this at present. Then there is sure to be misunderstanding.

Letter to Sivananda, 22 July, 1969

July 20

And because we are not at the stage where we can chant and do nothing else all day, there are so many other engagements. So you have sufficient engagement there? Because if we are not fulltime engaged then the mind is free to do its fickle business of rejection and acceptance for sense gratification. Maya will immediately enter - we do not even have to call her - the moment we are not absorbed in Krsna's devotional service.

Letter to Govinda dasi, 20 July, 1973

July 19

World Sankirtana Party does not mean that we have to cover immediately the whole world. The program is that everywhere the Sankirtana Movement should be introduced.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 19 July, 1970

July 18

Do not waste your time with this study of monkeys. What will you learn by this? Better to hear from Lord Krishna Himself in Bhagavad-gita than to waste your time in this way. Chant Hare Krishna and read our books very carefully.

Letter to Bhaktin Susan Newman, 18 July, 1975

July 17

Concerning the recordings of Krsna dasa Babaji, how can I make any judgment as I have not heard them. However, you should just go on chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra and the Pancatattva mantra and don't divert your attention. You cannot understand the meaning of the Indian songs and simply parrot like chanting of these songs has no value.

Letter to Damodara Pandita, 17 July, 1976

July 16

Regarding the farm, if by getting money from the cash crops, then do that and improve the place. Construct temple and residential quarter. Somehow or other you have to keep the men who are there engaged. If they are allowed to become idle gradually they will again become hippies.

Letter to Paramahamsa Swami, 16 July, 1975
