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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 17

In Bombay, they can work on behalf of our society by selling magazines, securing advertisements for Back To Godhead, and selling our books. That will be their main business. So far learning a new language, Bengali or Hindi, etc., this is simply a waste of time; they aren't scholarly boys. Had they been scholarly then they would have prosecuted their mother tongue education very nicely. So anyone who is not scholarly cannot pick up any foreign language so quickly. And even if he picks up some broken words, that cannot be used for any purpose. So clearly advise them not to indulge in childish frivolities. Acyutananda has already wasted 10 months time by his childish frivolities; sometimes preacher, sometimes guru, and sometimes so and so. So you will kindly give them clear indication that they should stop all these things, and work as directed in the above way - without further delay.

Letter to Brahmananda, 17 September 1968

September 16

Your husband Mukunda is a very very good boy and you are fortunate enough to have such a nice devotee husband. A similar combination is there in your sister and Gurudasa. You will be angry if I say that your sister is better than you but I think I'm right because Mukunda supports me. Rivalry between good hearts is very nice job, but I'm equally pleased with both your sister and yourself. Please convey my blessings to your sister and brother-in-law. I've received their good hand-writing and they have actually done it in full Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Janaki, 16 September, 1967

September 15

We shall not sell a single copy to the store. Our principle should be to sell books retail in the Kirtana, in our temple, or selling by going door to door, or, individual persons. Not a single book should be sold to the stores. The store selling they may organize: we don't mind.

Letter to Brahmananda, 15 September, 1968

September 14

Smoke emanates from the fire under certain condition but it is a disturbing condition of the fire. We need the fire and not the smoke. The present smoky materialistic or sensuous civilization has to be kindled into the fire of reality or spiritualism. It is neither difficult nor impossible and is much more simpler than any other method. It is just a simple process of fanning the fire in order to get rid of the disturbing smoke. Such fanning process is eternally the same and the one and the empiric speculators have nothing to invent now in it. The great Philosophy of Bhagavad-gita is the authoritative book to guide us in this respect.

Letter to Mr. Bailey, 14 September, 1951

September 13

So far your administrative duties as secretary of Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust Fund are concerned, that will be informed by you.

Letter to Atreya Rsi, 13 September, 1972

September 12

I think that you are both very well suited for preaching in Africa. If you continue as you are now doing by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu you will be very successful. It is by His order that we are carrying this message all over the world. Do not neglect chanting Hare Krishna.

Letter to Jnana das and Lilavati devi dasi, 12 September, 1975

September 11

It is my duty to open your eyes, because a Spiritual Master is he who can save his disciples from the darkness of nescience, illusion. So I am trying my best to do my duty, and if you cooperate with me, fully, certainly both yourself and myself will be successful in our missionary work.

Letter to Syama dasi, 11 September, 1968

September 10

There is no difference between our chanting on the street or in temple or in jail. A Krishna Conscious person is not afraid of any place, but he wants to chant constantly in all circumstances.

Letter to Caru, 10 September, 1972

September 9

Regarding your work in the temple by painting, wherever you remain, if you are fully absorbed in your transcendental work in K.C., that place is eternally Vrindaban - It is the consciousness that creates Vrindaban. The Lord remains in the hearts of every living entity. He lives in the heart of a hog, and the hog lives in a filthy place. That does not mean that the Lord lives in a filthy place. The Lord lives always inconceivably in His transcendental abode. Similarly, a fully K.C. person lives always in the pastimes of Lord Krishna by such consciousness only. The material atmosphere is no impediment for continuing our K.C. in any circumstance.

Letter to Jadurani, 9 September, 1967

september 8

Our mission is to turn the people to become devotees so that they can see Krsna. As it is stated in the Isopanisad, hiranmayena patrena satyasyapihitam mukham.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara dasa, 8 September, 1974
