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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 29

Regarding BBT lending Bhaktivedanta Manor dollars 25,000 for purchasing a house in Letchmore Heath, the BBT has no money, that is what I think. It is lending to Australia Dollars 100,000 and prepared to lend to Paris Dollars 100,000. I do not know that after lending this money there will be anything more. Lending for opening a temple is the business of BBT but not lending for residential quarters.

Letter to Hamsaduta das, September 29, 1974

September 28

Of course, that a devotee who is not in the neophyte stage can discriminate what is Krishna, what is devotee, what is neophyte and what is nondevotee. Unless one is able to discriminate, he is to be considered to be in the neophyte stage. In the neophyte stage the position is that the neophyte devotee worships the Deity in the temple with great awe and reverence, but he cannot discriminate who is devotee, who is nondevotee and who is neophyte. I think you must be in the second stage and should try to discriminate as above. Any devotee wanting to see you should be welcomed, but your treatment should be according to his position.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 28 September, 1969

September 27

I have no objection to your proposal and I can finance this proposal also. But I am afraid there will be hardly any students - that is the difficulty. I have seen in foreign countries that practically no students join high philosophical and scientific classes. People nowadays are only interested in money-earning philosophy. Nobody goes to the philosophical classes in universities. A similar institute was imagined by my Godbrother Bon Maharaja in Vrindaban, but it has not become very successful. There are many difficulties in the line, but I like the idea; therefore if some practical solution can be made we can discuss personally, but I appreciate your idea.

Letter to, 27 September, 1976

September 26

Ginsberg says these words are physical in a frankly physical universe. But this is not true, for actually everything is spiritual. It is only under certain conditions, viz. forgetfulness of Krishna that this internal or spiritual energy of Krishna becomes material. Therefore when we hear the name Krishna, which is identical with Krishna, we must remember, and in that way everything is purified.

Letter to Hayagriva, 26 September, 1970

September 24

If you take more interest in preaching work absolutely, you may be relieved from the Governing Body Commission.

Letter to Bali-mardana, 24 September, 1970

September 22

I am very glad to learn that all the members there are doing very nicely, and living happily. I hope that New Vrindaban will give shelter to so many unhappy men of this country and they will be happy by working there, and living there in good association of devotees.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 22 September, 1968

September 21

Regarding the conclusion of the book [the Nectar of Instruction], yes, it says in the text that the most fortunate devotees execute devotional service near Radha-kunda. That is stated in the book. I am enclosing the introduction for the book; please find.

Letter to Radhavallabha das, September 21, 1975

September 20

If the husband and wife can voluntarily restrain by powerful advancement of Krishna Consciousness. That is the best method. It is not necessary that because one has got wife, therefore you must have sex life. The whole scheme is to avoid sex life as far as possible. And if one can avoid it completely then it is a great victory for him. Married life is a sort of license for sex life on condition of raising children. So you should try to understand these principles of married life and use your discretion. You should not imitate great personalities like Bhaktivinode Thakura, but you must follow His footprints.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 20 September, 1968

September 19

One after another, Deity worship should be practiced by everyone. That cleanses the contaminated body very nicely. It is really the custom that before entering one must be cleansed and bathe himself regularly. The whole idea is that we must very much sincere in our activities to serve Krishna, and everything will automatically be convenient for prosecuting our Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 19 September, 1968

September 18

The Nrsimhadeva Deity should have Hiranyakasipu and Prahlada and should be simple, not very complex.

Letter to Tusta Krsna Maharaja, 18 September, 1976
