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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 27

Anyone who has a natural tendency for rejecting sense-gratification is considered to be advanced or liberated in spiritual life. Your appreciation of Maya as false and Krishna as the only reality is a great asset. Nobody has ever gained anything by becoming a tool in the hands of Maya, but everyone has become eternally happy by serving Krishna.

Letter to Mrinaline, 27 August, 1967

August 26

The article on Marxism is very much appreciated. We can say all these big so-called philosophers are all simply mudhas. Perhaps I am the first to do it. Our philosophy is perfect, and we cannot be defeated by anyone. So it is up to you to learn it and be able to present it nicely. Now you have everything, respect, philosophy, money, temples, books, all these things I have given, but I am an old man and my notice is already there. Now it is up to you all how to manage it. If you cannot increase it, you should at least maintain what I have given you. You cannot accuse me that I have not given you anything. So it is a great responsibility you now have.

Letter to Jagannatha Suta das, 26 August, 1975

August 25

One should have unflinching faith in Krsna and similarly in the Spiritual Master. That is the way of understanding the secret of Krsna Consciousness. Unfortunately, attempt has been made lately in our Society to shake this formula. This mischievous attempt has done a great harm, but if you the members of the Governing Body Commission can rectify this mischievous attempt, then still there is hope of making our progress uninterruptedly. I hope Krsna will help us.
There are two verses in the Canakya Sloka how a family or an institution can be glorified or burned into ashes by one person. The Canakya Pandit says that if there is one tree in the forest producing nice aromatic flower, that one tree can glorify the whole forest by the flavor of its flower. Similarly if there is one tree in whose cavity there is a little fire, that one tree can burn into ashes the whole forest.

Letter to Bali Mardan, 25 August, 1970

August 24

Now you both big leaders in Australia, along with the others, you make a very concerted attempt to help Mohananandan over his difficulties and persuade him that everything is all right; that I am not angry or displeased in any way. These things will sometimes happen even with the best devotees, and in this way try and persuade him to become engaged with his previous enthusiasm for becoming once again a great devotee. He is young boy, so we should not take his actions too seriously, better to forget the past and try to reform him. His service can be once again very much valuable there in Australia, I know he is very good boy. Do not drive him away, that will be the discredit to all of you leaders. But if there is great difficulty, he may come and live with me here in Los Angeles for the time being, I have no objection.

Letter to Madhudvisa and Amogha,, 24 August, 1972

August 21

Regarding your questions, no, the large Deity can never be moved, not at all.

Letter to Rupanuga das, 21 August, 1975

August 20

Kindly take up the mission of spreading the message of the Lord all over the world with greater and greater enthusiasm. Preaching is our life. But in order to preach one must become firmly fixed in the spiritual practices otherwise his words will not act. It is the duty of every initiated disciple to try and please the spiritual master by rendering service and inquiring submissively. There should also be an offering of daksina whenever one presents himself for initiation.

Letter to Taksya das, 20 August, 1976

August 19

Materially we may think that his service is greater than his, that is our material vision. Actually on the spiritual platform, the service rendered by a calf to Krishna and service rendered by Radharani and Her Associates, to Krishna, there is no difference. Krishna is so kind and liberal that everyone's service, when it is sincerely offered to Krishna, He accepts. This is the statement in the Bhagavad-gita. That He accepts a little bit of flower, fruit, and water, offered to Him in devotion and love. He wants our love and devotion, otherwise, he is the Proprietor of everything, what can we give Him? This position of our subordination should always be maintained and we should always give respect to our pure devotees who are engaged, in devotional service, that will make us able to make a progressive march in the devotional line.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 19 August, 1968

August 18

Please always remain busy in Krsna Conscious activities and there will be no disturbance created by Maya. That is the standard of real peace. Without Krsna's association there is no possibility of peaceful condition of life. We can associate with Krsna in so many ways by chanting His Holy Name, by hearing His Qualities and Pastimes, by seeing His Beautiful Form in Arca Deity, by eating His Prasad, by contacting His Devotees, by travelling to His Temple and Holy Pilgrimages and after all by thinking of Him within our heart always. All these different items are identified with Krsna because He is the Absolute Truth.

Letter to Upendra, 18 August, 1970

August 17

In India also our present government, they are trying to develop industries in the vast tracts of land around Vrindaban, and creating a hellish atmosphere. So I shall request you to be assured of the future of the land, and then do the needful. The summary is that the face of the lease agreement appears to be all right, but I am thinking of a spiritual development.

Letter to Hayagriva, 17 August, 1968

August 14

With great delight and interest I have gone through your "Eight Verses in Praise of My Spiritual Master.'' The style is very nice and thoughtful. May Krishna bless you to improve more and more in writing the glories of our previous acaryas and the Lord. Be engaged in glorifying the parampara system and your life will be glorified automatically thousands of times. Thank you very much.

Letter to Acyutananda Maharaja, 14 August, 1971
