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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 7

For so many countless lifetimes the conditioned souls have been giving all of their service and energy to the service of Maya, and I am requesting all of my disciples that for this one lifetime you give all of your energy and service to Krishna. The spiritual force is eternal, so to give simply one lifetime to Krishna is not a very difficult thing. And yet if we are serious in executing the devotional principles, this one lifetime of service to Krishna will absolute and final solution to all the problems of life.

Letter to Madhudvisa, 7 September, 1969

September 6

Pure Vaisnava is free from all material contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation. The pure Vaisnava is simply, purely disposed to transcendental loving service to Krishna. The pure Vaisnava rejects anything which has no pure idea of serving the Personality of Godhead.

Letter to Raktaka, 6 September, 1969

September 5

Regarding the 24 hour kirtana as a regular temple function, do not do anything impractical. If it is not possible, then don't do it.

Letter to Bali Mardan das, 5 September, 1974

September 4

I cannot understand what has gone on but I simply request you to return to the temple and take part in the activities. In addition you should chant Hare Krishna and read my books and cooperate with the authorities. If you engage yourself full time in preaching then there won't be any other time for these other activities. You should approach the other Vaisnavas in a very humble state of mind.
vanca kalpatarubhyas ca krpa sindhubhya eva ca
patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namah
Do not be puffed up but always be more tolerant than the tree. This is the prescription given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Letter to Gatravan das, 4 September, 1975

September 3

When the Deities are installed in the temple, you have to take personal care. Deity worship is very regulative. You have to follow the regulative principles very rigidly.

Letter to Gopala Krishna das, 3 September, 1969

September 2

Yes, God is always there in His Arca Vigraha form, either as Krishna or Rama or Caitanya, whatever. So He must be offered all respects as if He is there personally present, and if you are always sincerely chanting and following our Krishna Consciousness programme of chanting and other things you will very quickly develop the eyes to see Krishna there.

Letter to Lalitananda, 2 September, 1972

August 31

Your letter was pleasing to me. I am glad that you have keen interest in the Institute program. Be ready, as I am negotiating. As soon as it is complete, I shall send a telegram for you to come. In the meantime request all GBC's to send lists of all our disciples who have B.A., M.A. or Ph.D. degrees.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara das, 31 August, 1975

August 30

A sannyasi has got four stages of elevation: kuticak, bahudaka, parivrajaka and paramahamsa. The sannyasa in the paramahamsa stage is the Spiritual Master of everyone. I have asked Kirtanananda Maharaja to work on the bahudaka stage for the present. I discussed this point with him when I was in New Vrindaban. This stage means he should move amongst people to draw their attention to the New Vrindaban scheme and try to attract their attention for its development. So he should immediately begin this bahudaka program and collect money from outsiders, not from insiders. And as he is in charge of New Vrindaban, he may invest all such collection for the development of New Vrindaban, and before this Hayagriva must transfer the property to the society's name.

Letter to Brahmananda, 30 August, 1969

August 29

I am so glad to receive your first letter to me in India, and also to receive your contribution of $10. You are always "first'' in contributions, and therefore your contribution is also the first to come from the American centers. It is so stated in the S.B. that the best use of the human form of life is to serve Lord Krishna by one's life, resources, intelligence, and words; so you are all good souls, especially your example is very nice, for you have practically given your life and soul all to K.C. you are utilizing your resources for the society, and you are using your intelligence and words for the furtherance of K.C. So I very much appreciate your effort, and surely Krishna will bless you more and more, and you will feel it yourself.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 29 August, 1967

August 28

I am happy to note that you are traveling and preaching, this process was also practiced by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in the beginning of his sannyasa life he traveled all over India for almost six years and my Guru Maharaja also traveled, and similarly I am also traveling. One thing is that I do not know how practical it is to carry deities in the truck, by the jarring of the vehicle there may be some damage and also I think that it is not possible to keep the top standard of worship, cleanliness, punctual offerings etc. We must be very careful about deity worship, if it is neglectful then it is very offensive and that will not help us, we should not do it simply for show. My suggestion is that all our buses should be outfitted with the picture of Guru Gauranga, that will be quite nice. Main business of traveling buses is to distribute books profusely, what do you think?

Letter to Sudama, 28 August, 1973
