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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 4

For Spiritual life chanting Hare Krishna is sufficient but because we are habituated to unclean habits we must have temple worship. Sankirtana will keep everyone's mind clean and surely this quarreling will cease.

Letter to Visnujana das Maharaja, 4 November, 197

November 2

In a new place sometimes one feels loneliness, but gradually this subsides. But this feeling is not very good for a Krishna Conscious devotee. When she has got her husband for companionship, what is the use of your wife desiring some female companionship? If this is available, that is good. If not, she should be satisfied with her natural companion and together execute Krishna Consciousness. If Vrndavanesvari is unable to come there, then Visakha may go to see her. Besides that there is also Mandali Bhadra's mother. Also, I understand that there is one very nice girl who is coming to the temple often, so she may try to help this girl become elevated to Krishna Consciousness. These feelings of loneliness are simply temporary manifestations due to past conditioning, and we should try to concentrate our attention to our eternal friendship with Krishna.

Letter to Kulasekhara, 2 November, 1969

November 1

I confirm herewith my statement that the wife is the shareholder of the husband's pious activities. So you should know it well that Sriman Satsvarupa, life being fully dedicated to Krishna, whatever he desires you to act, you should kindly follow his instruction. Actually he cannot check you in the matter of your service either to Krishna or to me, but because we have to work with our present body, we must take care of it by following the ordinary rules.

Letter to Jadurani, 1 November, 1968

October 28

I am very pleased to learn of our success in Yugoslavia. When there is a little hope of success in these countries, it encourages me 100 times more than in other places. If they take up this Krishna Consciousness, they'll take it very seriously. This is the perfection of Communist ideology. Everything belongs to God. No private proprietorship.

Letter to Harikesa, 28 October, 1976

October 27

Our heart is the reflection of the Original Consciousness, Krsna, and the more Krsna and His paraphernalia are decorated the more this will be reflected in our heart and we will feel transcendental bliss.

Letter to Upendra, 27 October, 1969

October 26

In the material world there is constant fight between maya & the living entity. Maya is very strong & we can fall a victim at her hand at any moment. The only means of protecting us from the attack of maya is to be fully Krishna Conscious. The proportion in which we fall back in Krishna Consciousness is filled up by the influence of maya. It is exactly like the proportion of negligence of our health is subsequently resulted in our falling ill. The person who is very careful about his health does not generally fall ill. Similarly a person who is always fixed up in Krishna Consciousness cannot be defeated by maya.

Letter to Jadurani, 26 October, 1967

October 25

Regarding the claim that devotees have difficulties maintaining Krishna consciousness by only doing book selling with not enough street chanting, Prabhupada remarked that if things deteriorate that is another thing, but it is not the fault of book distribution. Book distribution must not be neglected.

Your servant, Brahmananda Swami, Personal Secretary
Seen: ACBS (initialed by hand)

Letter to Ramesvara Prabhu, 25 October, 1974

October 24

I am always emphasizing book distribution. It is the better kirtana. It is better than chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book distribution is the best kirtana.

Letter to Srutadeva das, 24 October, 1974

October 23

Your programme for the university students is very very nice, try to do it seriously and with scholarly approach. Yes, your chief weapon will be prasadam, because everyone likes to eat nice foodstuffs and philosophy and other things will come gradually.

Letter to Narottamananda, 23 October, 1972

October 22

Concerning your idea to go port to port by ship, why waste time and energy. Don't spoil money purchasing boat. Port to port we can go by airplane.

Letter to Tulsi das, 22 October, 1975
