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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 25

I have received very nice reports from all our centers how they are very much appreciating my books and they are understanding association with the Spiritual Master is the same as association with His vani or teachings. This is a transcendental fact.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 25 November, 1970

November 24

Try to sell as many books as possible at all the schools and colleges. This is scholarly information, flawless science. Kindly assist me in this great work, and know it for certain, that by your sincerely working in this way you shall very soon go back to Home, back to Godhead.

Letter to Locana das, 24 November, 1971

November 23

Regarding your article in Back To Godhead about Ayurvedic Medicine, I do not think this is very worthwhile endeavor. You have shown nice ability for writing so it will be more appreciated if you continue to study Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita and express the same by your assimilation. We have enough Krishna Consciousness matters to discuss so there is no need of wasting time with such topics as Ayurvedic Medicine.

Letter to Nayana Bhirama, 23 November, 1968

November 22

So far your worship of Lord Jagannatha in your home and your becoming initiated. It is alright provided you have the recommendation of the temple president. I am very glad to see that such a young boy as yourself you are taking serious interest in this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Please continue in this way Our process is something universal. It cannot be checked by any means. Anyone in any place, in any country can chant Hare Krishna.

Letter to Hugo Salemon, 22 November, 1974

November 21

According to them, the stars are all suns. The stars may have the same composition as the sun but they are not suns. The Brahma-samhita says that the sun is the king with unlimited light and temperature. The Srimad-Bhagavatam sublime literature describes all these things and it was written five thousand years ago. And they say that five thousand years ago there was no civilization. That Srimad-Bhagavatam has this information proves that Indian civilization is the oldest civilization.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara das, 21 November, 1975

November 17

To promote Vedic research work in the area of agriculture and animal husbandry, and alternative energy sources according to the historic Vedic texts for the sound and healthy development of body, mind, and soul; and to promote and distribute this research work.
Seen: ACBS

Draft of Additions to Memorandum of Association for Calcutta registration, 17 November, 1974

November 15

Will not 200 dollars weekly be sufficient for food and rent? If not, increase book sales, or, until things are adjusted in this way, supplement in other ways, but try to avoid too much business as this distracts us from our real mission. If Krishna sees that we are very active to spread information about Him, He is Master of the Goddess of Fortune, He will give everything!

Letter to Lalita Kumar, 15 November, 1971

November 14

From Krishna's side, naked or dressed, He is Krishna. And from our side, if we nicely dress Krishna and nicely feed Him, He is appreciating our service and we are certainly benefited. Krishna is the same; He does not require us to dress Him, or feed him, etc., but the more I serve by dressing, feeding and caring for Him, He appreciates the service, and I become more Krishna Conscious.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 14 November, 1968

November 6

Generally sandalwood paste is offered on the forehead [of Deity], but on other parts of the body is all right; Kumkum powder should be offered on the feet.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, Vrindaban Candra, and Silavati, 6 November, 1971

November 5

Please keep yourself always chanting regularly. That is our only strength within this whirlpool of the ocean of nescience.

Letter to Sridama, 5 November, 1969
