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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 27

I am so glad to learn that you are feeling development of a bit of affection for Jagannatha by personal taking care, and that is the way of increasing our love of Godhead. Deity worship is the practical demonstration and hearing from the Spiritual Master is the nourishment of the idea.

Letter to Satyabhama, 27 December, 1968

December 26

The schedule to be followed in worshiping the Deity is as follows. Morning Aratik may be performed at 4:30 until 5 am. Then immediately following the Deity room should be washed clean and the dirty utensils removed. Then everyone can chant before the Deity until 6:30. The Deity should then be bathed and dressed and fresh flowers put. It should not take longer than one hour to bathe and dress the Deity if one actually knows how it is done. But it may take longer so you may offer the bhoga at 8:00. The idea of bathing the Deity after offering bhoga is not correct. So please follow this schedule as I have advised.

Letter to Jayapataka Maharaja, 26 December, 1971

December 25

Whatever imperfections and discrepancies may exist, if you all agree to my directions and cooperate in the right spirit then everything will turn out, but it will require everyone involved to be responsible and cooperate in executing and following the instructions of the Spiritual Master.

Letter to Gurukrpa Maharaja and Yasodanandana Maharaja, 25 December, 1973

December 24

The modern civilization does not understand what is eternal life. They are busy with the spot life of 50 or 100 years. Fools cannot think that one is not for 50 or 100 years, but one is for eternity.

Letter to Nandakisora, 24 December, 1967

December 23

I was so much pleased with your interesting letter and I wish you will understand more and more through your learning of mathematics and physics about the intricacies of God's creation. It is the duty of a learned scholar to glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead by his talent of knowledge, austerity, penance, etc. Why one should become great mathematician? What is the perfectional stage? That stage is when he describes the glories of the Lord by utilization of his talent of education. So I request you to observe more and more the cosmic manifestation; how it is created by the energy of the Supreme Lord.

Letter to Sri Raghava Charyulu, 23 December, 1974

December 22

I am encouraged to hear from you that our Delhi pandal festival was seen on TV in America and other places. We can become famous for such shows, and at the same time utilize them for giving people good information about what is the real goal of life and how to achieve it. So in combination with the others you go on thinking how to improve these KC plays and dramas and how to give the public more and more of Krishna Consciousness. That is real preaching work.

Letter to Nayanabhirama, 22 December, 1971

December 21

A man in sex life is not neglected by us. The only thing we want, that sex life can be allowed only in married couples.

Letter to Rayarama, 21 December, 1967

December 20

You propose to induce the American people to surrender to Lord Caitanya by expansion of book distribution, that is wanted. When you come to that, that is success. Then you can take charge of the government. And, as soon as in America the Krsna conscious boys are in power the whole world will be changed. The idea is to bring under control all atheist class of men. There are two ways of bringing the opposition under control. One is by logic and philosophy, the other is by force. That was done by Bharata Maharaja when he was king of this planet.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 20 December, 1976

December 19

Actually, for the devotee who is working for Krishna there is only gain of spiritual advancement. The fruits of our work is always given to Krishna and so Krishna accepts the responsibility of what these fruits shall be. So this is our principle of work and I request you to always remember this.

Letter to Gargamuni, 19 December, 1968

December 18

Our farm projects are an extremely important part of our movement. We must become self-sufficient by growing our own grains and producing our own milk, then there will be no question of poverty. So develop these farm communities as far as possible. They should be developed as an ideal society depending on natural products not industry. Industry has simply created godlessness, because they think they can manufacture everything that they need. Our Bhagavad-gita philosophy explains that men and animals must have food in order to maintain their bodies. And the production of food is dependent on the rain and the rain of course is dependent on chanting Hare Krsna.

Letter to Rupanuga, 18 December, 1974
