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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 19

It is most important that our activities be regular or, in other words, on a schedule. Everyone should chant his beads sixteen rounds daily without fail and follow the regulative principles strictly. These basic Krsna Conscious duties are essential to be performed regularly, and they will give you the necessary strength of spirit to keep always fixed up in devotional service. As soon as a devotee is regularly engaged in this way, always engaged in Krsna Consciousness, Krsna will reveal the whole spiritual science from within the heart of such sincere devotee.

Letter to Sucandra, 19 February, 1970

February 18

Lord Caitanya's Appearance day falls on March 22, that is on a Sunday. The devotees should fast until evening, when there is a ceremony and offering of a small amount of Ekadasi preparations. The next day, the devotees should celebrate amongst themselves with a small scale feast. You may hold the celebration open to the public on the following Sunday. The preparation to be offered specially on this occasion is bhuni kichri: Fry equal parts dal and rice in ghee and massala. Add two times water as dal and rice, and add vegetables (if you use more ghee, use less water). Cook it until it is dried and the rice is soft.

Letter to Krsna das, 18 February, 1970

February 17

I cannot stress this point enough that we must handle this publication of Back to Godhead very nicely for it is one of the most important aspects of our society.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 17 February, 1973

February 15

Thank you very much for sending the book reviews. Send more if you can. These are very very encouraging. I am keeping a collection of these reviews and I show them to big big scholars and professors when they come to see me. They are very impressed.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 15 February, 1975

February 11

Our movement is for preaching the sankirtana vibration, so while the brahmacaris and vanaprasthas or the sannyasis take to this preaching work, the grhasthas or householders can maintain the temple and institution.

Letter to Balmukundji Parikh, 11 February, 1970

February 9

So far as I understand, the number of regular subscribers is not very satisfactory. Back To Godhead is being distributed by individual canvassing only. So if that is the position, then there is no need to publish something which is not pure Krishna Consciousness. Purely Krishna Consciousness means as you have published the article Isopanisad, and similarly we can publish all the Upanisads, the Vedanta Sutra, and many similar articles. The articles like Dr. Spock, the Beach Boys, or nonsense book reviews should be completely avoided.

Letter to Rayarama, 9 February, 1969

February 6

You are a learned philosopher, and your Cultural Integration Fellowship Institute advocates universal religion and cultural harmony. I think if you will turn your attention to the Vaisnava literature you will find all of these ideas in complete fulfillment.

Letter to Dr. Chaudhuri, 6 February, 1969

January 31

So if you study my books very carefully, then I am sure you will rind out the means for applying this Krsna consciousness philosophy in all spheres of life. There is no limitation. Simply it requires a little common sense practicality.

Letter to Amarendra, January 31, 1973

January 30

Herewith, I am returning back the new beads duly chanted. The former beads may be kept with you and if some new boy comes and wants to chant, you may lend him the beads—not to be taken away by him, but to be used for chanting while he is in the Temple. Otherwise, you can keep them carefully and they may be used in some emergency.

Letter to Cidananda, 30 January, 1970

January 29

I am glad that you are developing the mukut business. Now the devotees must learn so that in the future professionals will not be required.

Letter to Aksayananda, 29 January, 1976
