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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 29

When there is an important Dvadasi, the Ekadasi fasting is transferred on the Dvadasi, and this is called Mahadvadasi. The 26th October, 1970, is actually Dvadasi, so the fasting is observed together, or Ekadasi fasting is disregarded, and the Dvadasi (Mahadvadasi) fasting is taken as important.

Letter to Pradyumna, 29 April, 1970

April 28

The actual social structure should be that the 1st class intelligent class, the brahmanas should be for studying and educating people for God Consciousness. The are the gurus of all other classes. They second class, the ksatriyas give protection from dangers and they can distribute the land. The third class Vaisyas are for producing. So after the first, second and third class, the remaining should help the upper three classes, then everyone will be employed. As for speaking this knowledge effectively, that requires a little experience. The more you are experienced then you will be able to give examples.

Letter to Balavanta, 28 April, 1974

April 26

I am so glad to learn that you are making advance in Krishna Consciousness as it is scheduled. It appears that you are on the attachment platform, this is very good. The next platform is ecstasy, and then pure love of God. So stick to your duties at the present moment, and when it is convenient you can go with the Sankirtana Party, but never neglect the Arcana regulation at any cost. If you have no time, you are not required to go with the Sankirtana Party.

Letter to Himavati, 26 April, 1970

April 25

Immediately upon receipt of your picture, I had it hung right above my Deity room. Wherever I go I convert one closet into my Deity room, so I shall always be seeing your picture there.

Letter to Vibhavati, 25 April, 1969

April 24

The scriptural quotations are sometimes contradictory, and every philosopher has a different opinion, because without putting forward a different thesis, no one can become a famous philosopher. It is therefore difficult to arrive at the right conclusion. The conclusion is, as above mentioned, to accept the judgment of authority. We follow the authority of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is nondifferent from Krsna, and His according to Vedic scripture is that in this age this chanting is the only solution for all problems of life. And that is actually being shown by practical experience... Other quotations will not act very appreciably at this time. In a drugstore there may be many medicines, and all may be genuine, but what is required is that an experienced physician prescribe medicine for a particular patient. We cannot say in this case, "This is also medicine, and this is also medicine." No. The medicine which is effective for a particular person is the medicine for him - phalena paricyate.

Letter to Dr. Staal, 24 April, 1970

April 23

Our temple should be the via media for feeding the poor with food and spiritual knowledge.

Letter to Giriraja, 23 April, 1972

April 22

In the material world, when someone surpasses us in some way we become angry and plan how to stop him, but in the spiritual world when someone does some better service we think "Oh, he has done so nicely. Let me help him to execute his service.'' So we should always endeavor to keep this attitude, and serve Lord Krishna to the best of our ability. That will make one advance in spiritual life.

Letter to Dharma, 22 April, 1972

April 21

You may inform Devahuti and the others that I am always satisfied with their work. I am satisfied only to see that everyone of us is always engaged in his respective duties. As the teacher wants to see that the students are engaged in their handwriting work. Who is writing good hand, that is a secondary question. The teacher's duty is to see that everyone is engaged in handwriting work. So if all the artists are always engaged in painting, that will satisfy me, and that will gradually make them experienced for making good paintings.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 21 April, 1970

April 20

If you purchase land it must be properly utilized. It is no use purchasing land to be wasted by costly laborers. If you actually produce some grains or vegetables, then where is the necessity for further money for maintenance.

Letter to Bhavananda and Jayapataka Maharajas, 20 April, 1974

April 19

Regarding dancing, our dancing is ecstatic. We need not waste time 5 hours daily instead of chanting, for practicing. We are not professional dancers, neither we require it. These things should not be encouraged. In New York they have such activities, but they should not be going on in Gurukula.

Letter to, 19 April, 1973
