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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 11

If you carry out your plan to hold Rathayatra, be certain that the Ratha-cart is very strongly made, so that it does not break during the procession. They had a very good cart made in Philadelphia and you can take hints from the devotees there how they designed their cart.

Letter to Ajita das, 11 May, 1976


As a matter of fact, as you [Bali Mardan] are the pioneer in taking all risks to go to Australia, naturally you shall be considered as the leader, but a leader's position is also very grave and responsible. A leader has to lead others very tactfully and intelligently. Kindly therefore do not quarrel, but go on with your duties progressively.

Letter to Bali Mardan and Upendra, 10 May 1970

May 9

We should not misuse time and money, better to convince Mohanananda to increase his press work and supply you with all materials, and in return you supply him with something, that is mutual cooperation. And if you divert your attention to a lot of business, then spiritual advancement will be hampered. So I do not think it is wise to get that big store and start a big business with many departments. That will distract. Our main business is to become Krishna Conscious and to convince others through preaching work. Therefore, we do not want to strive for making big business and lots of money. Of course, money is required, but better to sell many, many books and collect in that way.

Letter to Amogha, 9 May, 1972

May 8

This rumor that within a few years there will be police repression and people will have no more money to buy books and sankirtana will stop is completely bogus. Whoever told you that is a rascal, saying it in my name. I never said that. Rather sankirtana movement will expand, continuing so long as we are sincere. When I came in the beginning I began to expand it and it is now going on and there is no question of it stopping. Therefore go on with your life time plans making secure in distributing of books. There is no cessation. This movement is eternal.

Letter to Govinda das, 8 May, 1974

May 7

When we chant the Mantra as were presented by the authorities - the process helps communication with the personality of Godhead by the sound waves as we have now experienced in the material world of physical waves vibrations. The powerful Mantras have such potency if they are sounded in the right direction. And by chanting the Mantras only one can spiritualise the whole existence as heat can expand on the spherical objects.

Letter to Sri Padampat Ji, 7 May, 1957

May 6

Regarding my backache, the 10% balance appears to be out of my body, but after all, the material body can be infected at any time, so we should not bother very much about it. We must simply go on with our activities in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 6 May, 1969

May 5

I am pleased to know that all of you are enthusiastically engaged in distributing our books. In this modern Godless civilization, everyone is greatly suffering due to lack of the real knowledge of Krishna consciousness, and our task is very great and very important. We must deliver this pure science of God to everyone and give them the chance to make their lives successful.

Letter to Trai, 5 May, 1972

May 4

These books are the life of human society. Others may be disturbed, but they cannot disturb this Srimad-Bhagavatam. Let any man come, but here they cannot touch.

Letter to Puranjana das, 4 May, 1976

May 3

If a man knows swimming he can stay up. So if this much power has a man, what to speak of God. So we see that Ramacandra has the art how to make stones float. It is a question of knowing the art. Art means the display of intellectual energy. Everywhere we can see intelligence in everything, so the Lord knows the art of everything, so He can change anything, we cannot. The atheists and scientists are trying to get God out of things, we are doing just the opposite, trying to put God into everything. They are God-less, nonsense - we are God-full, God-sense or God-conscious.

Letter to Rupanuga, 3 May, 1972

April 30

Kindly forgive my beloved disciples any unkindness or indiscretions on their part. After all, to give up one's life completely for serving the Lord is not so easy thing. And Maya, or the illusory material energy, she tries especially hard to try to get back and entrap those who have left her service to become Devotees. So sometimes in the neophyte stage of devotional service, in order to withstand the attack of Maya and remain strong under all conditions of temptation, young or inexperienced devotees will adopt an attitude against those things or persons possibly harmful, threatening to their tender devotional creeper.

Letter to Lynne Ludwig, 30 April, 1973
