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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 21

This is the business of big, big, chemists and physicists to present the real facts in Krsna Consciousness. Then such education is valid.

Letter to Niranjana, 21 May, 1973

May 20

I think that some mothers of our children should go to Dallas and take charge of teaching the children, especially how to play nicely the pastimes of young Krishna. If you ask one child to be a tree, he will immediately hold out his arms "Just see I am a tree.'' If you ask him to be a cow he will walk on his hands and knees immediately and you can hit him with a stick and say "hut, hut.'' And if they will not take prasadam you can say "Now you are a cow and you must eat the grass'' and immediately they will stand on hands and legs and eat prasadam like cow eating grass. So in this way our children in Dallas school should be trained because I want that a new generation of devotees shall carry on this great mission successfully.

Letter to Dayananda, 20 May, 1972

May 19

Over the past ten years I have given the framework and now we have become more than the British Empire. Even the British Empire was not as expansive as we. They had only a portion of the world, and we have not completed expanding. We must expand more and more unlimitedly.

Letter to All Governing Board Commissioners (GBCs), 19 May, 1976

May 18

Our aims and objects in the Krishna Consciousness Movement are very sublime. Kindly follow and you'll be happy and I'll be happy.

Letter to Jamadagni das, 18 May, 1976

May 17

I am so glad to learn that you are regularly observing the listed holidays in our Caitanya almanac. The roaring kirtana, offering feast to the Deities with special preparations is our simple mode of celebration, and there is no special other program, this is standard, and that is our festival.

Letter to Yamuna, 17 May, 1970

May 16

Regarding requirements and recommendations in the Vedic system of selecting partners for marriage, there is a Vedic system, but that cannot be done here. It should be made under the guidance of the guardians and the selection should be made on the basis of astrological equilibrium. So it is not possible to introduce such system in the present age. The only selection is that both the boy and the girl should be Krsna conscious, and the boy may be older than the girl at least by 2 to 5 years.

Letter to Gurudasa, 16 May, 1970

May 15

Successful business means it will improve in volume. Suppose you require 50 assistants then where we have got so much men. At that time we have to employ outsiders. Suppose we increase our sales of books very nice then we have take help of outsiders for binding. We cannot expect that all our men may become bookbinders. Our Krishna Consciousness program must be executed.

Letter to Gargamuni, 15 May, 1969

May 14

The whole institution is not in very sound financial position, so we should always remember this position and try to sell our articles so that we may again publish our books and literatures. Back to Godhead is already in difficulty for financial matter. It is giving me some anxiety. Back to Godhead may not be stopped publication - it will be a great setback for our missionary purpose.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 14 May, 1968

May 13

Regarding your idea of marrying one Krishna Conscious girl and then going to India, that will depend upon the desire of your wife. I cannot interfere with that. But generally the wife is meant to follow wherever the husband goes. Most likely your wife would agree with you - she will not disagree to go. Rather, some girls will be very much encouraged to go to India with her husband. So you may consider on these points and inform me what you have decided.

Letter to Gopala Krishna, 13 May, 1969

May 12

Actually, the Vaisnava who knows that he is not this body, he does not therefore neglect his body, but he takes very nice care so that he may utilize his body in the service of Krishna. Just like a man may know that he is not his car, so he does not therefore neglect his car, but he will take care of it so it will be able to render service to him. So we must take sufficient care to provide our bodies with its demands, but when disease or other necessary inconveniences arrive, we do not become disturbed because such troubles are simply temporary manifestations.

Letter to Balabhadra, 12 May, 1969
