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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 17

If you live in India it will be better facility that you have some preliminary knowledge of the local language. This was recommended even for big British officers who used to go to India either for business or for political purposes. I was a student in the Scottish Churches College and 90% of our professors were Europeans. All of them learned Bengali just to understand the local language.

Letter to Jayapataka, 17 April, 1970

April 16

BTG is my life and soul.

Letter to Gurudasa, 16 April, 1970

April 15

As promised by me previously I am sending herewith the Gramophone Record of my Kirtana and short speech thereof. I hope you will enjoy it. I am very sorry to learn that Srimati Bahuji is suffering from Pyorrhea. It is due to excessive Betel chewing. Any way I am sending herewith a small cheque for her treatment. Please accept it with my blessings.

Letter to Sri Krishna Panditji, 15 April, 1967

April 14

They must learn the art of worshiping and following the regulative principles from us. As soon as they employ hired priests, the whole thing will be spoiled. Members of the household should learn to worship the deity as we are doing, following the regulative principles, then it will be successful. We want every house to be a temple, not that our place should be the only place for the people to come.

Letter to Bhavananda, 14 April, 1972

April 13

Our institution is mainly for the devotees and as it is the custom in India, devotees are maintained by the general public, who are engaged in materialistic activities for sense gratification. But in this country it is not possible that the Brahmacaris or Sannyasis shall beg from door to door, as it is the custom in India. But at the same time we require some money for conducting our business of our society. Therefore the idea was that we may sell some pictures but so far I understand that even if we follow the principles of modern artists, still our pictures like Narada Muni, Panca-tattva, etc., will not have immediate prospective market. If there is actually any prospect for selling our pictures put up in this modern artistic way, then I have no objection for putting pictures in this way for selling them.

Letter to Jadurani, 13 April, 1968

April 12

Don't be agitated. Prosecute Krishna consciousness in peacefulness. One thing I shall request you and your wife: to translate into French all our books. The Society will be obliged to you by your intellectual service more than by money; because you are a family man and you require money. I hope this will satisfy you.

Letter to Janardana, 12 April, 1967

April 10

I hope you are taking care of the Deities with greater attention, and teaching your younger God brothers and sisters to follow the Arcana bidhi. As we open many branches, we shall require many devotees like you to take care of the Deities very nicely.

Letter to Yamuna, 10 April, 1970

April 9

There are two kinds of dissolution. One is when Brahma goes to sleep, and another is when Brahma dies. When Brahma goes to sleep, the highest planetary system does not dissolve, the lower planetary systems, beginning from heavenly planets downwards, everything is dissolved. And when the day comes out, they are again created. When the living entities enter into Brahma, or into the Body of Narayana, they keep their own spiritual body, that is very small, 1/10,000 of tip of hair, and when there is again material creation, they manifest again with different kinds of body.

Letter to Aniruddha, 9 April, 1968

April 8

If you want to be a great artist in that way, I will pray that Krishna may save you. Anyway, if the public doesn't buy, we don't mind. Why you are anxious for selling? We shall distribute them to devotees without any price. If our things have no market in the sense gratification society that does not mean we are going to change our principles. We are meant for satisfying Krishna, not anybody's senses. That should be the principle of our life.

Letter to Jadurani, 8 April, 1968

April 7

I have received your beads also, and I am returning them to you duly chanted. Now please increase your enthusiasm for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement and Krsna will inspire you with all intelligence for serving Him as much as you engage yourself with sincerity and devotion. Therefore to keep advancing in your spiritual power always be sure to chant at least the prescribed sixteen rounds of beads daily. This is the fundamental program for advancing more and more in Krsna Consciousness.

Letter to Giriraja, 7 April, 1970
