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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 31

As desired by you, I can immediately take up the task of opening a center there [Kuruksetra University] and to open a varna-asrama college there affiliated by the university. In this college we shall train up pure brahmanas, (qualified brahmanas), Ksatriyas and Vaisyas. That is the injunction of Bhagavad-gita. And this institution will be open for all without any discrimination.

Letter to Prabhakar, 31 May, 1975

May 30

Again I say that don't be agitated on some flimsy ground but cooperate on the platform of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Aniruddha, 30 May, 1968

May 29

In connection with the religious discrimination mentioned in the newspaper clipping from Atlanta; Wherever we live we worship God. We are not official worshippers. We worship wherever we are.

Letter to Balavanta das, 29 May, 1976

May 28

As I have already said many times that we have to maintain two lines parallel; namely the path of Srimad-Bhagavatam and the path of Pancaratriki. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the path for Paramahamsas, ansd Pancaratra path is for the neophytes. So the Temple worship is necessary for the beginners so that by following the regulative principles such devotees become more and more purified and thus gradually come on the platform to understand Srimad-Bhagavatam. So we shall always keep these principles in view and maintain our centers on this standard.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 28 May, 1970

May 27

Regarding your selling of BTG, we have taken a great risk of printing 20,000 copies per month, and before taking this risk, we consulted four different centers, and you all agreed. Now you try your best and the result will depend on Krishna's desire. So try to fill up your quota as far as possible.

Letter to Mukunda, 27 May, 1969

May 26

I think it is very obvious, even you have admitted, that the problem is that you are not following the basic principles of our society. The fact that you have not chanted your rounds for a long time is enough to make you without any spiritual strength. The best thing for you is to seriously try to follow all of the rules and regulations very strictly under the guidance of the temple authorities. Then your mind will become very clear, not so agitated. You have taken initiation from me, so actually you are obliged to do this. You have promised, therefore there is no choice,- you must follow strictly. Otherwise, you are carving your pathway to hell.

Letter to Gauragopala dasa, 26 May, 1975

May 25

So far responsibility is concerned, there is an action in Bhaktirasamrta Sindhu to be executed by the devotee which is called Krsna arthe akhila cesta which means to take all kinds of responsibilities for Krsna's sake. Sometimes I also think that let me go back to Vrndavana, in that peaceful situation, to live without any responsibilities; still, in this old age, I take the responsibility of managing our quite a big Institution now, and I have to reply so many letters from different centers to give them instruction. As an old man I can take relief from this work immediately, but for Krsna's sake I am pulling on even though there is sometimes personal inconveniences. So let us act in that way all together for Krsna's sake.

Letter to Upendra, 25 May, 1970

May 24

We don't say anything which is not spoken by Bhagavan, the Supreme. We don't manufacture concocted ideas, dogmas. No, that is not our business. One should not do that. But if you speak what Bhagavan has said, what Krsna has said, that is perfect.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 7.1, Fiji, 24 May 1975

May 23

And if this piece of land is turned into New Vrindaban then I shall forget to return to Indian Vrindaban. I am getting older and older, so actually if I get a peaceful place as described by you, the rest of my life will be continued in translating Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Goswami literature, assisted by some of my disciples like you.

Letter to Kirtanananda Swami, 23 May, 1968

May 22

So Krsna Consciousness Movement is meant for defying both classes of men; namely the karmis and the jnanis or yogis. That is our mission. Now among our students those who are advanced should take up this matter more seriously, and the Movement which you have started may not be stopped for want of adequate preachers - that is my request to you all.

Letter to Hayagriva, 22 May, 1970
