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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 5

Regarding your question about marriage, the thing is that as I am a sannyasi, I am not concerned with family life, but because I want to see my disciples very happy in Krishna Consciousness, therefore, those who are feeling some sexual disturbance are requested by me to get themselves married. Another principle is that those who are brahmacaris, they should sacrifice all of their income and collection for the Krishna Consciousness Movement, whereas those who are married should work, earning money as much as possible, and at least 50% should be spent for the Krishna Consciousness Movement. So we have no objection for allowing you to get married, but it is up to you to consider if you will work hard and earn money both for Krishna and for your family. You cannot get married, and at the same time do not earn money. Of course, by preaching Sankirtana Movement, if you are satisfied with a small income, that is also nice. I think that your God-brother, Rupanuga is an ideal householder, and you should try to follow him.

Letter to Sacisuta, 5 July, 1969

July 4

You have inquired why Caitanya Mahaprabhu has not mentioned anything about accepting a Spiritual Master in His Siksastaka. But perhaps you have missed the point that He says amanina manadena kirtaniya sada hari. This means one has to chant the Holy Names of Krishna, becoming humbler than the straw, and more tolerant than the tree. So who can become humbler than the straw unless he accepts a Spiritual Master?

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 4 July, 1969

July 3

You may worship Lord Jagannatha, or if you like to install Gaura-Gauranga, Gaura-Nitai, or simply Gaura Deity, He is also very liberal and will forgive and tolerate any service offered to Him even by Jagai and Madhai.

Letter to Gunagrahi, 3 July, 1972

June 30

I beg to inform you that we are managing our Krishna Consciousness Movement by the Governing Body Commission, GBC. We have got about 20 GBC's looking after the whole world affair, and above the GBC I am there. Below the GBC there are the temple president, secretary, treasurer in every centre. So the temple president is responsible to the GBC and the GBC is responsible to me. In this way we are managing.

Letter to Vasudeva dasa, 30 June, 1976

June 29

So my advice to you is that either you become a regular householder, giving 50% of your earnings to Krishna, 25% for family, and 25% for savings, or else you strictly follow the principles of brahmacari life. A brahmacari has nothing to do except serve his Spiritual Master. That is the injunction of the Bhagavata. A brahmacari is supposed to work as a menial servant of the Spiritual Master, and whatever collection he gets, it becomes the Spiritual Master's property, not the brahmacari's. That is real brahmacari life. If a brahmacari earns money for his sense gratification, that is not brahmacari life. Better one should become householder and live peacefully.

Letter to Rayarama, 29 June, 1969

June 28

Your touring party has done a very excellent job of spreading Krishna Consciousness in Bihar state as I have seen from the newsclippings and other enclosures which you have sent. One thing, our Subala Maharaja is preaching alone in Kanpur and I do not very much approve of alone preaching, so if you like you can request him to join with your party.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 28 June, 1972

June 27

Your question of how did Sukdev Goswami hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, it was in the womb of his mother.

Letter to Acyutananda Swami, 27 June, 1974

27 июня

Ты спрашиваешь, где услышал Шримад-Бхагаватам Шукадева Госвами. Это было, когда он находился во чреве матери.

Письмо Ачйутананде Свами, 27 июня 1974

June 26

The libraries that you mentioned: associated with the Ministry of External Affairs, Education, Information and Broadcasting, Defense, and Indian council for cultural relations, they can all take our books. Let them see the certificates given by all these big, big professors.
I remember when I sold the first one volume personally to the Archeological University. I sold them personally long ago. Now you must work conjointly with the other library men in India. Don't let there be undue competition amongst our men. Do combinedly, it is very much encouraging to me.

Letter to Mahabuddhi das and other members of the library party, 26 June, 1976

June 25

Now please continue to strictly follow the regulative principles and rigidly observing the four principal restrictions, namely: no eating of meat, fish or eggs, no taking of any kinds of intoxicants including coffee, tea and tobacco, no illicit sex life, and no gambling, and always without fail chant 16 rounds of the Holy Names daily, and be happy.
If you stick to these principles with determination, then you will become free from all attachment to maya, by Krishna's Grace.

Letter to daughter Haripuja, 25 June, 1972
