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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 18

Fallen means when the living entities are under the clutches of this material energy. That is called fallen. Just like a man, when he is under police custody, it is to be understood that he is a criminal, he is fallen. He has fallen down from good citizenship. Similarly, we are all parts and parcels of Krsna. Mamaivamso jiva-bhuta [Bg. 15.7]. So as part and parcel, our position is to live with Krsna. Just like this is my finger, part and parcel of my body. The finger must remain attached with this body. When this finger is cut off and fallen, although it is finger, it is no longer as important as it was formerly when it was attached with this body. So anyone who is not attached with the service of the Supreme Lord, he is fallen. This is the conclusion.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 1.21-22, London, 18 July, 1973

July 17

In the western countries many Ph.D.'s are out of employment because they did not get any service. We do not want to become great philosophers but rather to understand the philosophy in our own books. If we remain strong in our own literature, we can meet anyone else without any fear.

Letter to Damodara Pandita, 17 July, 1976

July 16

The boys and girls here naturally they are born of rich nation and materially cultured families, but there is no spiritual guide. According to Vedanta Sutra this human form is meant specifically for spiritual understanding. So a person or a community or a nation when in the top position of material enjoyment and still does not find any peace, he searches after something better. That is the position of the Western countries.

Letter to Nevatiaji, 16 July, 1970

July 15

The demons and atheists are always prepared to give trouble to the devotees. Sometimes the demons like Kamsa are prepared to kill God even. During Lord Caitanya's time Thakura Haridasa was also persecuted and put into jail. Not only that, he was whipped in twenty-two market places, but still the demons could not come out successful in the snubbing down of the Hare Krsna Movement. So do not be worried about this. Go on about your business. Krsna will give you all help, rest assured. Simply stick to you work seriously and sincerely.

Letter to Upendra, 15 July, 1970

July 14

So far Dayananda, I have no objection if the grhasthas live outside and earn money, but I do not want them to leave. The strict temple procedure is only for those who live in the temple. Grhasthas should live outside, and they cannot follow strictly everything, but why they should give up altogether their devotional procedures? So many big stalwart devotees are leaving, why is this? Advaita, Uddhava, Krsna das, and now our Dayananda and Nandarani. I have sent them each one letter, so if you find them, you may deliver them my letters. This is not at all good if our big devotees fall down so easily and go away. Try to save them.

Letter to Karandhara, 14 July, 1972

July 10

So far as human frailties are concerned, they can all be adjusted by dovetailing everything in Krishna Consciousness. Our Krishna is a great family Personality. Krishna is never a mendicant, and our ambition is to enter into Krishna's family and to associate with Him personally.

Letter to James Doody, 10 July, 1969

July 9

Everybody is earning for their wife and family, so if you are doing so also, then what is the difference between such endeavor and that of the karmi? There are many grhasthas who are earning and spending for a particular center. Similarly you also can open a center, live separately as president and maintain the temple nicely. But if you don't do anything and simply remain grhastha, then what is the use of criticizing others? The whole movement is meant for rendering service.

Letter to Umapati, 9 July, 1971

July 8

Just like a person resigns from an inferior quality of service and accepts a superior quality of service, similarly, our prayer to Krishna is to give us relief from the inferior quality of service to Maya, and to be engaged in the superior quality of service to Krishna. Service we have to render, and the whole process is to accept the superior quality of service in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Subala das, 8 July, 1969

July 7

This question and answer practice should be encouraged amongst the devotees. Then they will become trained to reply questions from outsiders.

Letter to Jananivasa, 7 July, 1970

July 6

We have to maintain our body. This is called bibhrat. That is necessary. We have got this body in this material world. This is not spiritual world. In the spiritual world there is no necessity of maintaining the body. The body is spiritual. As we have got here in this material world, to maintain this body I require to eat, I require to sleep, I require to satisfy my sense, and I require to defend - the four necessities... Ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca. And spiritual body means these four kinds of bodily demands, nil, no more. That is spiritual life.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.22, Chicago, 6 July, 1975
