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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 24

Gurukula education should be trained up for their character. I have already mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Simply they should be able to read our books in English and sanskrit, and explain. That is compulsory.

Letter to Gopala Krsna das, 24 June, 1976

June 23

Regarding your question about the jiva soul in the heart and the jiva soul within the cells, they are separate. Both are jiva atmas, but a particular jiva belongs to a particular body. There is the jiva in this body, but there are also jivas within the cells. Just like I am living within this apartment, but does it mean that no other living entity can live here. There are so many ants, flies, bugs, they are also living within the apartment. Even in my stool there are thousands of living entities.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara dasa, 23 June, 1975

June 22

But because we are engaged in warfare with the forces of Maya, there will be casualties. Even Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu a 16-year-old boy was killed at the battle of Kuruksetra. We should be prepared to protect the Deities and always expect Krsna's Mercy, because we are always dependent on Him and we cannot do anything on our own without Him.

Letter to Makhanlal, 22 June, 1973

June 21

We can send you unlimited number of books. You simply have to apply your brain how to sell them. Then you will have plenty of money. This my mission you know started when I came alone to your country by selling my books, and still whatever money we are getting it is coming from the book selling. So it is already proven how important the book-selling is.

Letter to Gopala Krishna das, 21 June, 1975

June 20

Yes, it is all right Gaura Nitai may wear turbans as well as crowns. You ask what they may wear in the evening - they can wear different dresses or night clothing just as Krsna is dressed. Make a small symbolical bed and give Them rest in that way. Bathe the Deities mentally by mantra and not by pouring upon them.

Letter to Gunagrahi, 20 June, 1973

June 19

Please study our literatures and work to spread the movement of Lord Caitanya namely the Sankirtana Movement and be happy. That is my desire.
I am enclosing herewith along with your beads duly chanted one sheet of qualifications and regulations for devotees.

Letter to Daughter Sandini Dasi, 19 June, 1970

June 18

Purusa means the living entity, or the soul. He is subjected to be infected by the modes of material nature. There are 3 modes of material nature, sattva-guna, raja-guna, tama-guna. And when they are mixed up, they become 3 x 3 = 9, and 9 x 9 = 81, and in each quality, there are millions of forms. Therefore the total number of forms is 8,400,000.
So, the diseases are there and the forms of disease are also there. Material form means diseased form. Therefore, one has to change this form - death. And he carries with him the infection and he develops another disease. In this way, the soul although part and parcel of God in diseased condition, they are forced to change body. That is transmigration of the soul from one body to another.

Letter to Dr. W.H. Wolf-Rottkay, 18 June, 1975

June 17

It is very good news that there are persons there who want to cooperate to help us start a Varnasrama College Project and that they may supply us land for living as an ideal community producing our own food from the land. So this should be followed up carefully.

Letter to Brahmananda Maharaja, 17 June, 1974

June 16

Regarding your questions, we should not take any stock of rumors which may come, that is not our process to act upon rumors. We hear from the authorized sources, and then our hearing is perfect. So you are the leader of big temple, you should know these things and avoid them, and instruct the other students there to stick to whatever is mentioned in our books and try to understand that subject matter from every angle of vision, without trying to adulterate by adding anything rumor. Our preaching must be based upon the subject matter from books and nothing outside of them.

Letter to Prajapati, 16 June, 1972

June 14

Our society requires millions of dollars for propaganda work, but Krishna has made us financially poor. I think it is good to remain financially poor because always we shall be able to pray Krishna, asking His help to execute His service. If all of a sudden we become very strong financially, Maya may dictate us for sense enjoyment, and we may fall a prey to her tactics. Therefore to remain poor is one of the qualifications for advancing in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Himavati, 14 June, 1968
