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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 16

It is stated in the Bhagavad gita that out of many thousands of men only one is searching for perfection. Manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati sidhaye [Bg. 7.3]. So even in your young age you have taken to this process of Krishna Consciousness. This means that in your previous life you were advanced in yoga but somehow or other you were not able to complete but now you have taken to it as if automatically.

Letter to Mr. Lourenco, 16 August, 1974

August 15

You are a family man, and usually at this point a man must think about providing for his wife and child. So if you like you can take a job in N.Y. or elsewhere and settle as an ordinary householder, like Rupanuga and others; or, if you prefer, you can continue to work within the Temple, either at Montreal or wherever there is sufficient space to accommodate you. But you must think of your health. I had already noticed a deterioration when I was in N.Y., and now you say it has gotten worse. That is not good, and you must correct it. So do the needful. Above all don't be worried. Krishna will help you. If it is necessary to go to work in order to maintain you wife and family nicely, Krishna will give you all support necessary.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 15 August, 1967

August 14

Now that I have formed this Governing Board Commission, the twelve members should each act as my zonal secretaries. So kindly keep me informed of your zone's activities at least once a week or once fortnightly. In this way I will be encouraged and can give you direction and inspiration.

Letter to Bhagavan Das, 14 August, 1970

August 13

Regarding the society's leaders emphasizing business, you should understand what is the meaning of business. Business means to help the preaching. Preaching needs financial help, otherwise, we have no need for business. So far as I understand, our book business is sufficient to support or movement. I do not want the preaching to be at the expense of managing. Manager must also be a preacher otherwise who will want to follow him?

Letter to Tamala Krishna Maharaja, 13 August, 1974

August 12

The advanced devotee should be very much enthusiastic in preaching the transcendental message of Lord Caitanya, and temple worship should be entrusted to the newcomers, or neophytes.

Letter to Yamuna Dasi, 12 August, 1969

August 11

I have read this weeks newsletter, and I like it very much. You are doing very nice service. I have got all blessings upon you, and I am ordering all temples to send you regular news. You may send them a copy of this my letter.
You are a very nice boy, and you should be encouraged. It is very nice, and a great service to our cause. But, everyone should read it, otherwise what is the use?

Letter to Srutadeva das, 11 August, 1975

August 10

When we say of Krsna, Krsna is not alone. Krsna has unlimited expansions. Just like one expansion is Paramatma. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese ‘rjuna tisthati [Bg. 18.61]. Krsna expands Himself. There are millions and trillions of living entities. Anantyaya kalpate. The living entities... Sa ca anantyaya kalpate. So Krsna's expansion is also ananta. Not only within the heart of all living entities, but He is within the atom also. Andantara-stha-paramanu-cayantara. But this is only one plenary portion, expansion of Krsna.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.4, Vrindavana, August 10, 1974

August 9

So far naming your child is concerned, you as her parents should give her a suitable name and you can add the prefix bhakta dasi, or servant of the devotee, as are we all. Then when she grows up and takes initiation from a bona fide spiritual master, she may be given a new name at that time.

Letter to David R. Schomaker, 9 August, 1971

August 8

We have to see the boy's tendencies first. This will be judged when he is at least 16 years old. Before that, up to the 15th year, he should be given all sorts of education and training as brahmacari. We can't impose anything from so early age, because when he is grown up he may not like the idea. So all this contemplation is premature. For the present your duty is to make him healthy and strong, physically and spiritually. Of course, if our Krishna Conscious children are to marry, the marriage must be performed within our group.

Letter to Rupanuga, 8 August, 1969

August 7

Devotees always humbly offer respect to everyone, but when there is a discussion on a point of sastra, they do not observe the usual etiquette, satyam bruyat priyam bruyat. They speak only the satyam, although it ma y not necessarily be priyam.

Letter to Madame Sumati Morarji, 7 August, 1976
