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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 23

Please try to be steadfast in your time of pregnancy and Krishna will be pleased. Yours will be the first baby born into a KC family in America, so we must be very careful for him while he is in the womb. In SB the environment of a child in the womb is described by Narada Muni as a very awful place and after nine months when the child has developed its body and consciousness to some degree the entrapped soul begs to Lord Krishna to set me free and promises that in this life he will be a devotee. At that time the baby is allowed to be born but, unfortunately during the Kali yuga as soon as the child is come out of the womb he is in 90% of the cases he is not given any facility to further its KC. However in your case Krishna has shown this soul great mercy. The Bhagavat also says that no one should become the parent unless he can deliver the child from the clutches of death. So it is your duty to make this baby KC so that he may not have to take birth again. My advice for the present is that during your time of pregnancy you should eat very simple foods, hot or spicy foods are not to be taken and also sexual relations are forbidden.

Letter to Himavati, 23 September, 1967

September 22

I am pleased that you are doing nicely in Philadelphia temple, and Subala has written to me that you are a great help to him there. Regarding Rohini Devi, don't worry about her. Perhaps Krishna wishes you to remain brahmacari. You were not willing to marry, but she insisted. Now she has been taken away by her father; so you may take it as Krishna's Desire. If you decide to remain as brahmacari, then I may call you back for my personal assistance when I return to the States. I was very much pleased with your service. May Krishna bless you more and more.

Letter to Sridama, 22 September, 1969

September 21

I am glad to learn your Sankirtan Party is going to all the areas of the city each time out.  Here also the Samkirtan Party lead by Madhudvisa Maharaj is having great success and sometimes as many as four hundred business and working men join them in chanting Hare Krishna on the streets.  It is all Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Mercy that this is happening all around the world and we should pray to Him that he may benedict us with even greater opportunity to spread His Samkirtan Movement.

Letter to Harivilas, September 21, 1970

September 21

I am glad to learn your Sankirtan Party is going to all the areas of the city each time out.  Here also the Samkirtan Party lead by Madhudvisa Maharaj is having great success and sometimes as many as four hundred business and working men join them in chanting Hare Krishna on the streets.  It is all Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Mercy that this is happening all around the world and we should pray to Him that he may benedict us with even greater opportunity to spread His Samkirtan Movement.

Letter to Harivilas, September 21, 1970

September 20

Your specific duty is to chant and hear the transcendental Name of the Lord, read some passages from my English version of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavad-gita (Gitopanisad) and explain them as far as possible you have heard from me. Any devotee who has developed genuine Love for Krishna can also explain the truth about Krishna because Krishna helps such sincere devotee seated in his heart. Everyone must be frustrated who is not Krishna conscious because the eternal relationship with Krishna is so nice. That eternal relationship with Krishna can be revived simply by chanting His Holy Name in right earnest.

Letter to Dayananda, Nandarani and Uddhava das, 20 September, 1967

September 19

Once established, however, Deities should not be removed. We should treat the Dieties as the Personality of Godhead, and to invite Him to come to your home you must worship regularly. You cannot remove. If there is scarcity of pujaris, then Deities should not be installed, only pictures of Guru and Gauranga should be worshiped. Irregularity in worshiping Guru and Gauranga can be tolerated, as they are always kind and forgiving, but irregularity in worshiping Lord Jagannatha and Sri Sri Radha Krishna is not good.

Letter to Karandhara, 19 September, 1970

September 18

I am also practically finding that if any of our students artificially try to become scholars by associating with unwanted persons they become victimized, for a little learning is dangerous, especially for the Westerners. I am practically seeing that as soon as they begin to learn a little sanskrit immediately they feel that they have become more than their guru and then the policy is kill guru and be killed himself. So we shall have to teach character and spiritual understanding to the young children. To study other things as a high grade scholar is secondary for us. The first thing is to build up character and be experienced in the understanding of the conclusions of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, hari namanukirtanam, iti nirnitam.

Letter to Dixit das, 18 September, 1976

September 17

All the inhabitants of Vrndavana, they did not know, neither they did care to know whether Krsna is God or not. They simply loved Krsna, without any identification. We are worshiping God, Krsna, because we are impressed with so many things, that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, He is the Absolute Truth. And therefore we are little inclined. "All right, let us serve Krsna if He is God." You see? There is some condition: "If Krsna is God, so if I do not love, if I do not worship, there may be something wrong." So that is business. But amongst the gopis and the cowherds boy and the Vrndavana inhabitants, there is no business. "We love Krsna unconditionally. That's all. We do not know anything except Krsna." This is Vrndavana atmosphere.

Leсture on Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.11-12, Los Angeles, 17 September 1972

September 16

Krishna is very kind to all but He is especially kind to his sincere devotees. Krishna is always with us, within our hearts and He is always ready to give us direction but because everyone is independent Krishna responds cooperatively. Anyone who voluntarily cooperates with Krishna's desire He responds to his call very eagerly. Krishna descends to teach us Bhagavad-gita begging our cooperation and anyone who cooperates with Him becomes blessed.

Letter to Jayananda, 16 September, 1967

September 15

Regarding Mr. Wade's promise to Gaurasundara, to pay $225-$250, they must keep their promise. Otherwise, it will be not possible to do business with them, if they change their word of honor. You must say Mr. Wade like that. In business principle, what is promised, that must be kept. If the promise is not kept, then we are not going to deal with them, with such business firm, even it may be very big. That should be our principle also. So I think on this principle we can arrange with them.

Letter to Brahmananda, 15 September, 1968
