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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 4

Regarding marriage, generally the man should be older than the woman. We have not had good experience with marriages when the woman is older. But everything must be done with reference to time, place and circumstance and in your country such a marriage is not uncommon. So if you think the match is good then you may marry them.

Letter to Rupanuga, 4 November, 1970

November 3

So far we are concerned in the Krishna consciousness movement, we are preaching the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita. Krishna is the Supreme Person even before all demigods including Lord Visnu even, and of course Lord Siva. Our fundamental principle is the teaching of the Bhagavad-gita. Those persons who cannot understand this on account of particular modes of nature, such persons require further education, and until such time is fulfilled, we are helpless. To an animal in the modes of ignorance, how can we preach? Then we are helpless.

Letter to Satsvarupa das Goswami, 3 November, 1974

October 31

In the Bhagavad-gita the religious principles are divided into three categories: in the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. Generally, all so-called principles are in the modes of passion and ignorance. Maybe there are some moral instructions, but moral instructions without God-consciousness is impossible to follow.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 31 October, 1969

October 30

There are so many men over 30. Are they brainwashed? It may be a minority in your country, but in other places it is the majority. The diamond seller caters to a minority. Why are they allowed to sell. Always when there is something valuable only a minority will be able to purchase. Our books are not commercial, they are religion and philosophy.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 30 October, 1976

October 29

When you do business you should do it business-like. We should not neglect any minute part of it, but at the same time we shall think of Krishna, seeking His protection. The living example is the Gopis. They were householder wives, young girls having children to feed, carrying out the order of superiors; father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, satisfying the whims of the husband, executing so many household duties from morning to night. Still they practiced in such a way Krishna Consciousness that they did not forget even for a second Krishna. While mopping the floor, while washing the dishes, while milking the cow, while feeding the baby, while taking with friends, while cooking in the kitchen they were always thinking of Krishna. You will find all these descriptions in our book Krsna how they remained compact in thought of Krishna. So this is the highest ideal of Krishna Consciousness, and we should try to follow their footsteps.

Letter to Gargamuni, 29 October, 1969

October 28

Krishna says to Arjuna that "I am giving you perfect knowledge." This is our process. We receive knowledge from the perfect person. There is no use getting knowledge from imperfect person. That is useless waste of time. And who is perfect person? Who does not commit any mistake, who is never illusioned, whose senses are not imperfect, and who is not a cheater. These are the qualification. These are the symptoms of perfect person.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.2, Nairobi, , 28 October, 1975

October 27

The Bhagavata cult is preached also through the art of music and dance as it was done by Lord Caitanya. I am just thinking of introducing the very same system for my Bhagavatam preaching but I have no means. The Christian missionary people are backed by huge resources and they preach the Christian cult all over the world. Similarly the devotees of Lord Krishna may also combine together to start the mission of preaching Bhagavatam cult all over the world.

Letter to Sumati Morarji Baisaheba, 27 October, 1965

October 26

It is most important if you arrange lectures and kirtanas at the schools and colleges because the more intelligent young boys and girls of your country are very much eager to understand this Krishna Consciousness Movement. They are frustrated in so many ways and they are looking for something new kind of happiness which they will find in this Krsna Consciousness Movement. Please also try to introduce our books in the colleges and schools as well as local libraries.

Letter to Nayana Bhirama, 26 October, 1970

October 25

Srila Prabhupada also pointed out that is the West sometimes the street chanting is considered as a farce. Also in India. At first street chanting was tried but was met with mostly derogatory reaction. Therefore there is mostly Life Membership preaching in India, which is of course book distribution. But on no account should street chanting be stopped. Prabhupada has never said that street chanting should be stopped. The chanting can go on for a little while and when a crowd is drawn books can be distributed.

Your servant, Brahmananda Swami, Personal Secretary
Seen: ACBS (initialed by hand)

Letter to Ramesvara Prabhu, 25 October, 1974

October 24

Enclosed you will find one form for application to a new professorship that has opened up in the big university here in Durban, South Africa. It is a university only for Indian students, and the rector there is very much impressed and eager to have one of our men with the educational qualifications to come and take the seat of professor there. The rector wants an experienced teacher for Vedic Culture. The whole Vedic Culture is discuss in our books. I think that you shall be able to do this job very well. Please fill out the form enclosed and return to the Johannesburg Temple, 59 Muller Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg, South Africa. When mentioning your qualifications, you can also mention that you are a Bhakti-sastri from ISKCON.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara das, 24 October, 1975
