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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 14

Do not install Gaura Nitai deities until sufficient men are there to take proper care of them.

Letter to Yasomatinandana Prabhu, 14 October, 1976

October 13

"Money is the honey'' goes so far as it is employed for Krishna consciousness. The body is undoubtedly a material vehicle but when it acts for Krishna Consciousness it becomes spiritualized. By the grace of Krishna material energy can be transformed to spiritual energy & spiritual energy is never deteriorated. To be in Krishna Consciousness means to be in Spiritual energy.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 13 October, 1967

October 12

The German devotees I have seen both in Paris and Stockholm have impressed me by their enthusiasm. . It is very encouraging, so train them nicely. The Germans are very intelligent, and they will be the future preachers. So give them nice translations of my books and you will have tremendous success in Germany. Our success is our enthusiasm. So everything we do should be done with enthusiasm, the chanting, reading, and following the rules and regulations.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 12 October, 1973

October 11

Regarding the picture of Lord Caitanya which is outside of your temple, this is not good. We should not place our worshipable Deities as statues in the open atmosphere.

Letter to Jagadisa, 11 October, 1969

October 10

We are not so intelligent to understand that the material nature is working, moving, under the direction of the Supreme Personality. But we can experience it. Just like a machine, computer, a very subtle machine. It is working wonderfully. But there is a person who is pushing the button. Without that the machine is useless. It is lump of matter. Similarly this gigantic universe, cosmic manifestation, nature, is working very wonderfully. The sun is moving, moon is moving and the earth is moving, everything in right direction and minute time, and not a single inch is moving here and there. Everything is going on nicely. How? That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita 9.10. It is under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.16, Bombay, 10 October, 1973

October 9

The students should be taught Sanskrit both in Devanagari and Bengali alphabets. Satyabhama in New Vrindaban has written a nice book for elementary lessons in English. I think this book may be printed immediately. If not the manuscript may be used to teach the students.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 9 October, 1971

October 8

I feel very happy when I see my spiritual boys and girls especially those who have been married by my personal presence are very happy in their conjugal relationship. Even if there is some misunderstanding between husband & wife that should be completely neglected & you should always remain rigid in service of Krishna as you have written to say, it is pleasing to be in the service of Krishna. Discharge of Krishna Consciousness is our primary objective & all other relationships should be faithful to this principle. Follow this principle.

Letter to Nandarani, 8 October, 1967

October 7

Sanskrit is the mother of all languages; there is no doubt about it. In our childhood, we read one grammar made by two English professors, Mr. Rowe and Webb, in Calcutta, Presidential College, and they have given their statement that Sanskrit is the mother of all languages. Besides that, we understand from reliable resources, that Sanskrit is the spoken by the higher planetary denizens. It is therefore called Devanagari. Devanagari means the cities of the demigods. This language is spoken there. And so far, AUM is concerned, actually, the AU, the alphabet A, is the basic principle of all languages. And Krishna says, aksaranan akarasmi, the A amongst all alphabets, is Krishna. Because A is the beginning of all language. A or Au. So your representation that Sanskrit is the origin of Indo-European languages, is quite right, but our main concern is how we can impress people about the importance of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Hayagriva, 7 October, 1968

October 6

I am very encouraged by the report of how nicely our books are being distributed. This is our main business all over the world. If you give full attention to this, there will never be any shortage of funds. So I am very glad to note that in London now this programme is becoming well established.

Letter to Mukunda, 6 October, 1973

October 5

Regarding New Vrindaban I was very happy when I was there, not only myself but all devotees and GBC members all enjoyed the atmosphere of New Vrindaban, especially the cow protection scheme. May Krishna give more facilities to advance the cause of New Vrindaban, and I am expecting very soon to go there and live in my proposed palace at least for some time.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, 5 October, 1974
