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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 23

I am very glad to hear all the good news, especially that you want to sell books more and more. That is the best preaching work; each book sold means there is some practical effect of preaching, there is some tangible progress. So try to sell books as many as possible in your country, and in this way, so long you remain active but not for your personal sense-gratification, so long you remain active only satisfying Krishna's senses, then this movement will be successful without any doubt. As soon as someone wants to satisfy his own senses, then he fails at everything.

Letter to Kurusrestha, 23 November, 1972

November 22

A temple is a place where by one is given the opportunity to render direct devotional service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. In conjunction with this you should always read my books daily and all your questions will be answered and you will have a firm basis of Krishna Consciousness. In this way your life will be perfect.

Letter to Hugo Salemon, 22 November, 1974

November 21

The Communist Party has become popular simply by distributing their literatures. I know in Calcutta the Communist agents were inviting friends and reading their literature. The Russians never came to India, but by distributing literature in every language they get a pretty good number of followers. So if it is possible for ordinary third class mundane literature, why not should our transcendental literature create devotees all over the world?

Letter to Tamala Krishna Goswami, 21 November, 1974

November 20

On the whole it is very encouraging that the professors like our books. This is our success. This quotation is very important: "One professor went on to explain that the other books were mostly dealing with speculations in contrast to our books which presented religion as a way of life based on authentic writings.'' This is a very good quote. This should be publicized and it should be published in the new book that is being presented of all the quotations, The Hare Krishna Movement is Authorized.

Letter to Ghanasyama das, 20 November, 1975

November 19

Regarding Press: I have already written to Brahmananda how the press should be started. The following principles should be followed strictly in our press: All the works of the press, including binding, and everything should be done by our men. We shall not accept any outside job for maintaining of this press. We will print simply our books and magazines, etc. And the boys and their families should be maintained by the sales proceeds of books and magazines.

Letter to Rayarama, 19 November, 1968

November 18

Real business is preaching work, and if there is full attention on this matter only, all other businesses will be automatically successful. Fighting amongst ourselves is not at all good, but if our preaching work is neglected, or if we fall down in following the regulative principles such as rising before four, chanting 16 rounds, like that, if these things are not strictly observed then maya will enter and spoil everything. So my best advice to you is to strictly observe these things yourself and be the example so that all others may follow.

Letter to Madhumangala, 18 November, 1972

November 17

I am especially pleased that you are finding great pleasure in serving Their Lordships in Hamburg Temple as pujari. I think that under your care They have become very gorgeous and satisfied. It is the sole aim of life to be constantly absorbed in thoughts about Radharani and Krishna, and because you are so determined to become fully Krishna Conscious, Krishna has given you this opportunity to realize that aim by serving Him directly.

Letter to Himavati, 17 November, 1971

17 ноября

Я особенно рад тому, что ты находишь большое удовлетворение в служении Их Светлостям в Гамбургском храме в качестве пуджари. Думаю, что, порученные твоим заботам, Они стали великолепными и довольными. Единственная цель жизни заключается в том, чтобы постоянно пребывать погруженным в мысли о Радхарани и Кришне, и, поскольку ты так решительно настроена стать полностью сознающей Кришну, Он предоставил тебе возможность достичь своей цели, служа Ему непосредственного.

Письмо Химавати, 17 ноября 1971

November 16

Maya is always peeping, ready to take advantage of our any lapse from devotional standard, so everyone should be continuously engaged in either chanting, studying or working and preaching. This full schedule will save you from engagement elsewhere. Maya and Krsna are always side by side. Either one is serving Krsna or he is serving Maya.

Letter to Rsabhadeva, 16 November, 1970

November 15

Regarding Omkar, you may know that Om is the impersonal sound form of Krishna. Those who are unable to utter immediately the Sweet Name of Krishna, they are recommended to chant Om. Just like a child is taught to make a particular type of sound, and thus he learns the name of father, mother and other relatives. That is the beginning. So in the beginning, Om is the right vibration of transcendental sound, and the meaning is to address the Supreme Lord. Our business is directly with the Supreme Lord. Impersonal feature of the Lord is just like the illumination of the lamp. The lamp is the more important thing. You will gradually understand all these features of the Absolute Truth if you read Bhagavad-gita and adhere to the regulative principles.

Letter to Harold Torf, 15 November, 1969
