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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 25

Karandhara has received a letter from Tamala Krsna Goswami and he is expressing some hesitation about your returning to India. I can understand that previously there must have been some quarrel amongst you and that sometimes happens amongst god-brothers. Whatever is done is done; the main thing is we must not carry grudges or continue to quarrel amongst one another. So I am asking you personally, along with Tamala Krsna Goswami to whom I am sending a copy of this letter, to bury the hatchet and join together to push on this movement cooperatively.

Letter to Gurukrpa Maharaja and Yasodanandana Maharaja, 25 December, 1973

December 24

Te sadhu-krta-sarvartha. Artha means interest. Everyone has some interest. The animals have got also interest. The man has got some interest. The big politician, he has also interest. Everyone has got interest. But nobody knows what is real interest. That is missing. Everyone has created his interest and he is working in that way. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum [SB 7.5.31]. Real interest is, for the human being, to know what is God, what is my relationship with Him, and how I shall achieve the highest perfection of life. That is real interest.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.46, Los Angeles, 24 December, 1973

December 23

That is the first qualification to attain the supreme perfection of your life: enthusiasm. If there is always keen enthusiasm for serving Krishna, and if there is also patience and determination, then everything will be successful.

Letter to Hariprasadaji, 23 December, 1972

December 22

Practically, the whole world is going to hell. There is no decency, no gentleman anywhere. So we have to portray to the people of this fallen Age of Kali-yuga what is the right standard for their behavior. When they see that, Oh, here is such nice activity, such nice people, they will automatically become changed, simply we have to engage their senses in the right taste. So this drama-playing is very good presentation for attracting their attention and displaying Krishna Consciousness very beautifully. Make everything very simple, without too much fancy costumes, and the real message will come out very nicely.

Letter to Nayanabhirama, 22 December, 1971

December 21

This world is full of dangers in every step. Just like in the ocean there is danger in every step but if we take shelter of boat which is known as the Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna, then this great ocean of danger becomes as harmless as a small pit. We shall be able to cross hundreds of such pits simply by chanting the Holy Names of the Lord, the Hare Krishna Mantra.

Letter to Mr. Ginsberg, 21 December, 1968

December 20

I am especially proud how my householder disciples are preaching Lord Caitanya's Mission. This is a new thing in the history of the Sankirtana Movement. In India all the acaryas and their descendants later on acted only from the man's side. Their wives were at home because that is the system from old times that women are not required to go out. But in Bhagavad-gita we find that women are also equally competent like the men in the matter of Krishna Consciousness Movement. Please therefore carry on these missionary activities, and prove it by practical example that there is no bar for anyone in the matter of preaching work for Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Himavati, 20 December, 1969

December 19

The more one preaches the more he becomes expert and the more he is able to convince others.

Letter to Vipini das, 19 December, 1974


This is ideal life style. We do not condemn modern civilization but we don't like to get it at the cost of God Consciousness, that is suicide.

Letter to Rupanuga, 18 December, 1974

December 17

Why should we blindly accept imperfect scientists, they are imperfect because they are changing their position in the name of progress. The word progress is used when there is imperfection at the beginning. So this regular changing of standard knowledge in the name of progress proves that they are always imperfect. It is a fact that they are imperfect, because they gather knowledge with imperfect senses. At any rate we cannot deviate from vedic knowledge.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara Prabhu, 17 December, 1975

December 16

You'll find in the Fifteenth Chapter. The Lord says, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo [Bg. 15.15]. The purpose of all scriptures and Vedas is to know Krsna or God. And the Upanisad says, kasmin tu bhagavo vijnate sarvam idam vijnatam bhavati. If you simply understand the Supreme Absolute, then you understand everything. So this Krsna consciousness means it includes everything. The karmas' activities, fruitive actions, the jnanas', philosophers' speculation, the yogis' mystic power, and bhaktas', devotees' worship of the Lord - everything is included. Just like if you have got a millions of dollar, then ten dollar is there, five dollar is there, twenty dollar is there, everything is there. So if you take to Krsna consciousness, then you take all kinds of... All the well, all the purpose of different type of well is served in the river of Krsna consciousness.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 2.46-62, Los Angeles, 16 December, 1968
