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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 15

Read Bhagavad-gita As It Is very carefully, and we are going to hold an examination next year in January upon this book. I hope that you will be enough expert in this Krishna Consciousness science to pass the examination and be awarded with the title of "Bhakti-sastri'', one who knows the principles of devotional service.

Letter to Kanupriya das Brahmacari, 15 January, 1969

January 14

I do not follow what you mean by that they are starting to sell samosas. We should not sell any Prasadam, we shall distribute Prasadam and we can ask for contributions. That should be the method.

Letter to Jadurani, 14 January, 1970

January 13

I am so glad to see your quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam about the socialistic view of Sri Narada Muni. It is very nice and I have also mentioned it in the preface of my first volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Krishna Consciousness Movement is so nice that it can adjust the disagreement between socialism and capitalism. At the present moment, neither of these isms is perfect from the philosophical point of view, but if both parties take this common formula of Krishna Consciousness each one will supplement the other. I think, therefore, that this Krishna Consciousness Movement should be pushed thoroughly all over the world and I am seeing practically that it has got powerful effect.

Letter to Sethji, 13 January, 1970

January 12

Brahmin brahmacaris are very nice for deity worship.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, 12 January, 1974

January 11

I wanted Teachings of Lord Caitanya to be immediately printed, therefore I said that it may not be delayed by further editorial work, but if you think that it needs further editorial work, please do it through Satyavrata, and forthwith prepare the manuscript ready for printing.

Letter to Rayarama, 11 January, 1968

January 10

Somehow or other, Krishna has sent me sincere souls like yourself and others to assist me, therefore there has been a little progress. Thank you very much for helping me to spread Lord Caitanya's movement.

Letter to Kulasekhara, 10 January, 1972

January 9

I was very glad to see how your temple is now amongst the big leaders of book distribution. This is a sure sign of spiritual strength, for where there is preaching there must be life. Please go on increasing more and more the book distribution. You are working in the right direction.

Letter to Abhirama, 9 January, 1976

January 8

Regarding the college programs you propose to start this month, please carefully do it so that the young men and girls may take advantage of this transcendental movement for their ultimate welfare and highest education. Our program in the schools and colleges has everywhere been successful and I am confident that you can also carry on such a program with very good results.

Letter to Visnujana Maharaja, 8 January, 1971

January 7

As far as your desire to have Sita Rama Deities, it is a good idea, but you should wait for some time. First see that you have sufficient brahmanas who are very well trained and qualified, then you can consider to install Sita, Rama, Laksmana, and Hanuman. They are the ideal King and it will be very suitable that They reign over the capitol of America.

Letter to Brisakapi, 7 January, 1976

January 6

If you sincerely engage 24 hours daily in devotional service according to the instructions of the Spiritual Master, chant daily 16 rounds, attend the arati ceremony of Lord Krishna, associate with the devotees and adhere strictly to the regulative principles then Krishna will reveal Himself personally to you.

Letter to Radhavallabha das, 6 January, 1972
