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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 17

The way of discussion with Dr. Staal requires a little bit of knowledge in the sastras which is called siddhanta. In the Caitanya Caritamrta it is said that nobody should be neglectful of the siddhanta because by siddhantic conclusion one becomes firm in Krsna Consciousness. So these siddhantic conclusions are being mentioned in all my books, and the boys and girls in our Krsna Society should now give more attention for studying the books very attentively. And to get the strength, one should chant the beads sixteen rounds without fail. In this way, when the devotee is constantly engaged in Krsna Consciousness, at that time, Krsna will give all intelligence from within how to make steady progress in Krsna Consciousness.

Letter to Krsnadevi, 17 February, 1970

February 16

Regarding distribution of my books, somebody may say something, but that doesn't matter. Somehow or other they are taking our Krishna book. However it should be done so there is not legal implication. And aggressiveness is not good. That should be checked.

Letter to Gadi das, 16 February, 1976

February 15

I am so much glad that you have again come to our camp after some time being mislead by Maya. You should take severe warning from this incident and not treat the matter as very light. Maya is always peeping for a chance to allure the neophyte devotees from the path of Krsna Consciousness and this potential danger is always there everywhere in the material world. The only solution to the danger of material entanglement and consequent unhappiness is to surrender unconditionally at the Lotus feet of Krsna because only He can give assurance of protection from all sinful reactions.

Letter to Sriman Yugalakisora Das Brahmacari, 15 February, 1971

February 14

For your final question, you are correct in your idea that leaflets which are destined to be thrown upon the ground should not contain pictures of Krishna, Jagannatha, etc. Such leaflets may only be hung up for people to see.

Letter to Jayapataka, 14 February, 1969

February 11

As far as police problems are concerned, this is going on all over the world, especially here in Melbourne, they are being persecuted by the police. Even they are going to jail daily, but still they will not stop their chanting and distributing. When they go to jail, they refuse to eat the food, and in this way so much public sympathy is there. So eventually the police will accept us and our Sankirtana activities will go on unchecked. Simply we must have the determination to continue our preaching work under all circumstances.

Letter to Guru Gauranga, 11 February, 1973

February 10

In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna speaks about spirit soul from the very beginning. Unless one understands what is this spirit soul, his further advancement of the Supreme Spirit God has no value.

Letter to Govinda Dasi, 10 February, 1969

10 февраля

В Бхагавад-гите Кришна говорит о вечной душе с самого начала. Пока человек не поймет, что такое душа, его движение к Верховному Духовному Богу не имеет ценности.

Письмо Говинде даси, 10 февраля 1969

February 9

I am very sorry to learn that His Holiness Hirji Baba has recently disappeared from this material world. Last time when I was in Nairobi, I had some talks with him when we were preparing to take lunch at the house of Damji Devji. That was our last talk. So it is a great shock that he is not visible to our eyes. But as we know, the living being does not die. It is said about the saintly persons: moro va jivo va which means that the saintly person devoted to the lotus feet of the Lord is always glorious, either physically present or not present. So I wish that the devotees who took shelter of this saintly person continue to progress in spiritual life. May Krishna bless all of you in spiritual life.

Letter to the members of the family of Hirjibhai Gelabhai Baba, 9 February, 1976

February 8

I am very much hopeful of your future glories in the matter of propagating this transcendental movement. Your remark that we cannot make Krishna our order supplier is very appropriate. We should always try to supply everything to Krishna and we shall try to avoid any return by Krishna. That is Vaisnava philosophy. The Gopis and Radharani served Krishna without any expectation of material or spiritual profit. They never expected any return from Krishna and Krishna remained ever indebted to the Gopis. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu exalted the worship method of the Gopis, and Krishna when He tries to understand the heart of the Gopis, that is the transformation of Krishna into Lord Caitanya.

Letter to Brahmananda, 8 February, 1968

February 7

Maharishi Mahesa has gained so much popularity over Europe or America, means the people of this part of the world are not very much advanced in spiritual science. What is there philosophy in the teachings of Maharishi Mahesa? He is very clever man to collect fund. He is proposing individual mantra which is complete nonsense, and he is charging for mantra and allowing his disciples to enjoy life as they like. So these are all nonsense propaganda proposals, but people are blind in accepting his advice.

Letter to Janardana, 7 February, 1968
