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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 28

Actually, the purpose of our life is to please Krishna; that is the business of the older children, to serve the father. So there is test for knowing if I am pleasing Krishna: If He reveals Himself to me, if I see Krishna, then I know I am pleasing Krishna. And another test is if my Spiritual Master is pleased by my service then I know that I am pleasing Krishna; it is very simple, because if I am following the prescribed regulative principles of my Spiritual Master, then without doubt I am pleasing him.

Letter to Kirtiraja, 28 February, 1972

February 27

Astanga Yoga is better than Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga is on the level of Astanga Yoga. But the Bhakti Yoga is the ultimate goal of all Yogas. In other words, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Astanga Yoga by proper execution culminate in Bhakti Yoga. So far yogis who meditate on the Paramatma form of the Lord within their hearts, if they see Him in that way actually they become pure devotees, but if they do not perfect the process they may remain on the lower level of incomplete realization or Paramatma realization.

Letter to Jagadisa, 27 February, 1970

February 26

This body is today or tomorrow finished. We should not be very much bothered about the body. Trees also live for thousands of years but that does not mean a successful life. A successful life is one of Krishna consciousness. By the grace of Krishna from the very beginning you are a devotee and that is the real profit of your life.

Letter to Jayananda, 26 February, 1977

February 25

Yes, it is respectful to circumambulate the temple, keeping your right side to the Deities if possible. You may dance around the temple in this way if you like.

Letter to Karunamayi Dasi, 25 February, 1968

February 24

For a preacher there are four principles to be followed. One, he must be fully surrendered to Krishna. Two, intimately in friendly relationship with devotees trying to elevate conditioned living entities to Krishna Conciousness and rejecting the nondevotee class. So if you find a nondevotee eager to listen submissively you can show your mercy to elevate him to Krishna Conciousness, but a nondevotee who is already poisoned by the serpent of the demon class swami or yogi is very difficult to be dealt with, so the best thing is to reject them and not waste time for their elevation.

Letter to Gurudasa, 24 February, 1968

February 23

So Krsna says, raso 'ham apsu kaunteya. "My dear Kaunteya, Arjuna, that taste in the liquid thing which you drink or use, that is I am." Just see how it is easily can be done. Nobody is without drinking something liquid. Either Coca-cola or water or this or that, something must be drinking. So Krana says that "I am the taste." So where is the difficulty of understanding Krsna? If we cannot... They say, "Can you show me Krsna?" All right, here is Krsna, see. Seeing means directly perception. When I say, "Let me see what is this mango," you are seeing already. Here seeing means tasting. "Let me see the mango." That means seeing means tasting.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.8, Bombay, 23 February, 1974

February 22

Regarding your question, this surrender to Supersoul is in the advanced stage of Krishna Consciousness. So long one is not advanced, he has to take information and direction from the representative of Supersoul or the Spiritual Master. The spiritual master is external manifestation of the Supersoul. Thus the Lord helps the living entity, helps both from inside & outside.

Letter to Rupanuga, 22 February, 1972

February 21

The best thing is to send your daughter to Gurukula, but if you cannot do that, then somehow see that she is trained nicely in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Maeve Davies, 21 February, 1976

February 19

Regarding your questions about the difference between the picture of Krsna and the Deity, Krsna is equally there in both these forms. Krsna is so kind that he agrees to appear, for the benefit of the conditioned soul, in eight different kinds of forms. Such form is called arca or the form of the Lord manifested through material agency as metal, earth, wood, painting, stone, jewel, drawing, and mind. The arca is accepted as incarnation of God, and is worshiped by regulations. Generally the installed Deities are so worshiped and the regulative principles should be strictly followed in regard to Them.

Letter to Linda, 19 February, 1970

February 18

Preaching also means reading and writing, or else what will you preach?

Letter to Gurudasa, 18 February, 1977
