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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 25

Worship of Radha and Krishna is no cheap thing. It cannot be done whimsically, but it must be very carefully executed under strict regulation.

Letter to Caitanya Dasi, 25 April, 1973

April 24

The other day I was suggesting the governor that "Open varnasrama college." As we are training a medical practitioner and an engineer or any particular type of line, similarly, there must be training school and college where a person or a boy may be educated as a brahmana or as a ksatriya.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.7.7, Vrndavana, 24 April, 1975

April 23

Even though you are mixing with all kinds of the student class at the university, you must strictly refrain from the four prohibitive sinful activities, and as an initiated student you must not let a day pass when you do not chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krsna Mantra. If you can follow just these things nicely that in itself will be strong preaching by behavior. You should also always wear Kunti beads around the neck and wear the marking of tilak. People will inquire from you and you can tell them about Krsna Consciousness and sell them books also.

Letter to, 23 April, 1974

April 22

Actually, Krishna does not care for how much we give to Him, but He sees how much we are keeping back for ourselves. There is the story of Kholaveca Sridhara, a devotee of Lord Caitanya, who although he was a very poor man, gave half of his meager income for worshiping Mother Ganges, and by so doing, he greatly pleased the Lord.

Letter to Dharma, 22 April, 1972

April 20

Power hungry politicians are creating havoc everywhere. These rascals create so many difficult situations. The public is very nice but the politicians keep them in ignorance. I have studied the whole world. Human nature is the same everywhere. The mass of people are very good but these rogues create by their personal aggrandizement so many difficulties.

Letter to Atreya Rsi, 20 April, 1977

April 19

It is understood that our devotees have got some difficulty in the matter of extensions of visas. Now you can consult our lawyer friends that I want my foreign disciples to remain here to assist me in my activities of Sankirtana Movement, so whether the Government can ask them to go away? Our Society is registered, our activities are bona fide, I am a preacher and if I maintain my disciples and assistants properly, how can the Government ask them to go? Please consult about this legal implication and if they are refused to stay in India, by visa, I wish to take legal action in this connection.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 19 April, 1971

April 18

Regarding Paramatma Das, I think he should simply push on with his school work as much as it may be necessary and the remainder of the time he may spend with the devotees in our Krsna Conscious activities. 

Letter to Bahulasva, 18 April, 1970

April 16

Your associates are harassing you for your interest in spiritual culture, yes, that is due to India's great misfortune. They're impressed with so-called politicians and scholars of the modern age. The example is given in this connection that when a man is ghostly haunted, he speaks all nonsense. At the present moment they're all ghostly haunted and in this delirious condition the only cure is chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.

Letter to Punjabi Premanand, 16 April, 1976

April 15

Generally, people, they indulge in mental speculation. Different philosophy of the world, they are established on the principle of mental speculation, especially in Europe, Aristotle, Schopenhauer, Kant. They're more or less... And, imitating the Western philosophers, in India also, recently, the persons who are very well known... Perhaps you know Sri Aurobindo. He's, he's also speculated very nicely on the mental platform. Mental platform cannot give us the actual freedom or the happiness. Therefore Lord says, "One should give up all mental speculation and should be satisfied in the understanding that 'I am consciousness, and there is Supreme Consciousness, and I am subordinate to the Supreme Consciousness. Therefore let me dovetail my consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness.' "

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.55-58, New York, April 15, 1966

April 14

Our girls can be engaged for teaching as well as temple worship.

Letter to Bhavananda, 14 April, 1972
