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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 23

The devotee more or less depends on his transcendental enthusiasm, patience and firm conviction. These things will surely help him to reach perfection.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 23 May, 1969

May 21

If they do not believe in Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad-gita, then they are called unbelievers, so how can you believe their words. Then we come to the platform of reason and argument. If they do not believe in Ramayana and Mahabharata, then we shall reply point to point by argument and reason. Of course, it is not possible to come to the right conclusion simply by argument and reason, tarkanratishtanat.

Letter to Niranjana, 21 May, 1973

May 19

I request you to relieve me of management responsibilities more and more so that I can complete the Srimad-Bhagavatam translation. If I am always having to manage, then I cannot do my work on the books. It is document, I have to choose each word very soberly and if I have to think of management then I cannot do this. I cannot be like these rascals who present something mental concoction to cheat the public. So this task will not be finished without the cooperation of my appointed assistants, the GBC, temple presidents, and sannyasis. I have chosen my best men to be GBC and I do not want that the GBC should be disrespectful to the temple presidents.

Letter to All Governing Board Commissioners (GBCs), 19 May, 1976

May 17

You are finding some difficulty in keeping pace regularly with the routine work. My advice to you under the circumstances is that at least for one hour you must all go to have Sankirtana outside on the streets or in the park. That is your life and soul, first business. The next business is completing the chanting of 16 rounds every day. The next business is your editing, and if you find extra time, then you can attend the temple ceremonies. Otherwise you can stop these activities, but outdoor kirtana, your editing work and chanting of 16 rounds must be done.

Letter to Rayarama, 17 May, 1969

May 16

I have seen films of the Deity worship in Nairobi and it is very gorgeous. Proper Deity worship means to be clean, punctually and nice offerings of foodstuffs. Brahmananda Swami can teach you these things.

Letter to Bhima dasa, Krsna Das, Sanat Kumara, Nityananda, Samba and Joseph, 16 May, 1974

May 12

If we study ourselves analytically, we can understand what is God. Because we are the sample of God. Mamaivamso jiva-bhutam [Bg. 15.7]. Sample. Just like if you take one drop of water from the seawater, you can understand what is the chemical composition of the whole sea. It is not very difficult. Similarly, if you study yourself, what are your inclinations, propensities... There are so many things. So everything, what you have got, the same thing God has also got. The difference is that you are like a drop of seawater and He is vast sea. That's all. Big quantity. Quantitatively, we are different, but qualitatively, we are one. The same quality.

Letter to Balabhadra, 12 May, 1969

May 11

We have got very good response in Africa by our kirtana, so have sankirtana widely, with dancing, and that will attract everyone, and also distribute many of our Krishna Books, paperback edition - they were especially meant for the Africans.

Letter to Bhaktijana, 11 May, 1972

May 10

I am so pleased to learn that you are constantly trying to follow my instructions. Of course, I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master. So all instructions in the disciplic succession directly comes from the Supreme Person. Therefore to follow the instructions of a Spiritual Master is to follow the instructions of the Supreme Person. And as soon as we are accustomed to this habit, then all our misgivings of material existence are over.

Letter to Dayananda, 10 May 1968

May 9

If there are different small presses, the work will not be of good quality. So this opening of small presses here and there, I am not in favor. Of course, if you utilize that store for a kirtana hall and book store, that is another matter - then many people will be attracted to actually learn about our movement and join us. That is a good proposal.

Letter to Amogha, 9 May, 1972

May 6

I am in due receipt of your letter dated April 29, 1976, along with photocopy of your letter concerning the organization of Gurukula. You have some experience now with Gurukula, so your full-time engagement should now be how to organize the Gurukulas all over the world. Do it very nicely and thoughtfully. So far your plans are concerned for the same, you can have them conjointly approved with the other GBC. In this way, you may make the Gurukula program your portfolio and organize it throughout the world.

Letter to Jagadisa das, 6 May, 1976
