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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 11

Your idea of not working for your father is nice, and several times I have stressed that our devotees are becoming twice-born. They are dvija, or twice-born. The first birth is by the natural father and mother, and the second birth is by the Spiritual Father and the Vedic knowledge. The second birth is the real birth; the first is as good as an animal's birth. It is said by a devotee of Lord Caitanya that in every birth we have got a certain type of father and mother, that is not very wonderful, but it is not possible in every birth to get Krishna and a Spiritual Master. Therefore, the form of life in which Krishna and the Spiritual Master is obtained is the most sublime. So I am very glad to know that you have become more affectionate for your Spiritual Father than for your natural father, and this is quite to the standard of spiritual advancement.

Letter to Bali Mardan, 11 July, 1969

July 10

I am very pleased to note that you will be getting married to Jagadisa, and try to serve him by helping him develop in Krishna Consciousness throughout both of your lives. Married life in Krishna Consciousness is the perfection of married life because the basic principle is that the wife will help the husband so that he may pursue Krishna Consciousness, and similarly the husband will help the wife to advance in Krishna Consciousness. So in this way both husband and wife become happy and their lives are sublime. In Krishna Consciousness marriages there is no question of any separation or divorce. Any disagreement between husband and wife is not taken very seriously, as much as a disagreement between children is not taken very seriously. This is because the basic principle of married life in Krishna Consciousness is not whimsical lusts, but it is the eternal principle of rendering devotional service to Krishna.

Letter to Laksmimoni, 10 July, 1969

July 7

The two marriages recommended by you may be performed at that time as well, but only after having sufficiently counselled the respective devotees. This marriage business should not be taken as a farce, but is a very serious matter. Recently so many couples have been cast adrift by the waves of maya's influence. That is hard to check, but still the devotees must realize the responsibilities of household life. And there is no question of separation. Too much this has been happening and I am very much displeased.

Letter to Bhagavan das, 7 July, 1971

July 6

I know your community Patels in Gujarati are business community. And they can do lots of lucrative business, for material benefit. But you should know that we are not doing any business for material benefit. Gargamuni spends his profit for Krishna Consciousness. He is so much elevated that he works very hard for doing business diligently, but the profit made out of it, he spends for Krishna. If you wish to do business in that spirit, that will enhance your spiritual assessment.

Letter to Sriman Vinode Patel, 6 July, 1968

July 5

The theistic temples all over India are actually the different centres as are the churches and mosques all over the world. These sacred centres were meant for diffusing spiritual education and by this process of spiritual culture the disturbed mind could be trained up in concentration for higher duties which every human being must do. By such education in practice can help man in realizing the existence of God without whose sanction, according to Mahatma Gandhi, "not a blade of grass moves.''

Letter to The Board of Trustees of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial National Fund, 5 July, 1949

July 4

If we accept Sikshastak as authority given by Lord Caitanya, this means we accept Lord Caitanya as Spiritual Master. In the Bhagavad-gita it is openly mentioned that Arjuna accepted Krishna as the Spiritual Master. There is another mention in the Sikshastak, Lord Caitanya says "I do not want any wealth of this world, I do not want any following, neither do I want a beautiful wife. Simply I want to become a servant of the Lord.'' To become the servant of the Lord means to accept a Spiritual Master. Without accepting somebody as master, how can one become an expert servant? It is not that in every literature you will find the words that everyone has to accept a Spiritual Master, but we have to study things scrutinizingly. In the Caitanya Caritamrta there is mention guru krsna krpaya paya bhakti lata bija [Cc. Madhya 19.151]. By the mercy of the Spiritual Master and Krishna one can get the seeds of bhakti lata, the plant of devotional service.

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 4 July, 1969

July 3

Sukara means the semina. In other words, one claims to become acharya on the principle of being born of a Brahmin father. They may be called sukaracharya, or acharya or preacher not by disciplic succession, but on the right of heredity.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 3 July, 1968

July 2

Apasyatam atma-tattvam [SB 2.1.2]. Apasyatam... Generally, we do not know, we cannot see what is atma in these material eyes. Therefore the material scientists, they say that there is no soul, because they cannot see. With their instruments or with their knowledge it is not possible. Apasyatam. They do not see it. Therefore we cannot believe our eyes. These eyes are not fit to see anything. It is under certain condition it gives us some impression. Otherwise... Therefore my Guru Maharaja used to say that saintly persons should be seen not through the eyes, but through the ears. There are different processes of seeing. Don't believe that eyes are sufficient to see everything.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.1.1-6, Los Angeles, 2 July, 1970

July 1

So far as Sankirtana Party is concerned, as many pictures as possible should be published each month. The pictures are very attractive to the customers also. Acyutananda should also be asked to send pictures, as many as possible, of the many Visnu temples in India for publication in BTG. BTG should be full with our own articles, and there is no need for articles by outsiders.

Letter to Brahmananda, 1 July, 1969

June 30

So we are teaching love for God. That means Krishna Consciousness is the post-graduate class for all religious sects. We do not protest the Christians, or Mohammedans, or Jews, or any other religious sect, that there is no idea of God conception in their religions. More or less in every religion the God conception is there. But, nobody tries to love God. Just like in Christian religion, they go to church everyday and tries to exact bread from God, but they never try how to please God. And because this love of God, and the process is not thoroughly instructed, therefore they have come to the stage of understanding that God is dead. At the present moment in many Christian churches, this philosophy is being taught, that God is dead.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 30 June, 1968
