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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 25

Regarding your questions, the first answer is that it is correct that the body transcendental of Krsna and Krsna Himself are nondifferent. So what is the difficulty to understand that the soul of Aghasura merged into the body of Krsna? In other words Krsna benedicts the demons Whom He kills personally with the impersonal liberation of merging with Him.

Letter to Ekayani Dasi, 25 July, 1970

July 24

Bhakti-sastri is actually recognition, accepting a person that he knows the principles of devotional service.

Letter to Rupanuga, 24 July, 1969

July 23

There is no objection to going in western clothes in order to distribute my books. It is not necessary that we always wear the robes, but we should always keep sikha and teelock. However, a wig or hat may be worn as you describe. We have to take whatever is the favorable position for executing Krsna consciousness. Do not forget our principles, but sometimes we may adapt such means in order to help distribute books. Somehow or other distribute books and if you can impress people a little to chant then it does not matter about your dress.

Letter to Jagadisa, 23 July, 1973

July 22

Please read our literatures carefully, and try to give service to Krishna as far as possible. Whenever you are in doubt you can ask me, and I am at your service. But one point you should not miss is that this life is very important to awaken our dormant Krishna Consciousness, and we should not miss this opportunity in any circumstance. That would be a great blunder. We must be very cautious to not fall prey to the clutches of Maya because in this material world Maya is very prominent although Krishna is everything. Maya and Krishna are just like the sunshine and darkness: the darkness has no independent existence without the sun. But still the darkness is existing in some corner of the sunlight.

Letter to Joel Chalson, 22 July, 1969

July 21

I am sure that to have such nice parents who are devotees of Lord Krishna, your child Nandini is very, very fortunate. In Bhagavad-gita Krishna instructs us that for one to be born in the family of devotees means that such person was the most pious of all living entities. So raise Nandini very carefully in Krishna Consciousness, and surely Krishna will bestow all blessings upon you and your family.

Letter to Balai, 21 July, 1969

July 20

You can become immediately out of the scope of maya if you always remain surrendered to Krsna. Maya will not touch you. Just like if you remain always in the sunshine, there is no question of night. Nowadays it is very easy. If you simply drive your plane on the western side, you'll never get night. You just round about. Yes. Just like it is materially possible. You drive your plane simply on the western side. Start your plane in the morning and go to the western side and don't stop it. You go on for three, four, as many days as you like. You'll never get night. This is practical. Similarly, if you keep always with Krsna, you are gudakesa, you will never get darkness. Or maya will not touch you. This is Krsna consciousness. So try to become gudakesa.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 1.24-25, London, 20 July, 1973

July 19

Your report for organizing village schools in England is very encouraging.* Similarly I have received report of Amsterdam also very nice. So it can be easily guessed that Europe is a very good field for spreading this movement. So in consultation with Tamala kindly take up the grammar school organization immediately. In childhood the impression taken continues life long, so try to train little English and Dutch boys to be accustomed to chant and dance.

Letter to Syamasundara, 19 July, 1970

July 18

A conditioned soul, fallen conditioned soul, is struggling for existence. He is trying to be enjoyer; he is trying to be proprietor. That is his artificial way of life. Just like if a woman wants to become a man, that is her artificial position. She may dress herself as a man, just like in the Western countries sometimes we see woman is artificially dressing like man, with hat, coat, man, riding on horse. That is artificial. So similarly, our position here in this material world is artificial. We are trying to imitate a man.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 1.21-22, London, 18 July, 1973

July 13

Regarding your taking a second wife, you cannot do this. At least you cannot stay in our temple in Vrindaban. If you want to take a second wife, then you have to leave our Vrindaban temple. Whether you can maintain them and take some job and earn? Our temples cannot support you and your two wives. You will then want three, four, and more. Anyway as an American it is illegal for you to do this. We are trying to minimize sex and you are trying to increase it. Please give up this idea.

Letter to Narottamananda das, 13 July, 1975

July 12

You also write to say that you have a good job that will further train you in carpentry skills, so do this nicely. It is a good opportunity. If you want to marry, you may inform all the centers that you are looking for a wife, and if a girl is willing to marry, there is no objection. It is a nice idea. But if you marry, you will have to work to provide for your family, and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna.

Letter to Vamanadeva, 12 July, 1969
