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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 16

Regarding the press purchasing, it must proceed on, and Krishna will help you. Don't worry. I understand that you require approximately $14,000 out of which Advaita has $4,500 and you have about $5,000. The balance may be asked from Tamala as the house we are contemplating to purchase is untouchable by us on account of too high price. So Tamala can spare the balance money for the press at the present moment, and when the house will be actually purchased, Krishna will provide us with the money. Anyway, don't be discouraged. Whatever deficiencies will be there, Krishna will supply you, and if there is actually any deficiency, please let me know and I shall send you a check for that amount. I think this will be all right.

Letter to Brahmananda, 16 September, 1969

September 15

Regarding my Deity worship: I can understand that the regulative principles are taking much of your time, but you can minimize according to your convenience. There is no harm. But I am so glad to learn that this engagement makes one developing the Brahminical qualities. I thank you very much for appreciating this secret of worshiping the Lord. Generally, we in the conditioned state, we are contaminated. But, this worshiping system called "Arcana vidhi'' cleanses the polluted heart and one becomes actually fit for becoming qualified Brahmin.

Letter to Brahmananda, 15 September, 1968

September 14

I am pleased to note that you will be giving four classes in Los Angeles universities this year, and everyone is welcome to appear in the Bhakti-sastri examination and take the title. But one must be acquainted with Krishna philosophy at least for one year. So the students may attend class for one year as you have already arranged, and if they learn this philosophy, even if they don't become initiated students, it will be a pleasure for us. Regarding the tests you are holding there in Los Angeles, keep them there, and when I return I shall see them personally.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 14 September, 1969

September 12

What is that buddhi-yoga? Krsna says, tesam satata-yuktanam: "Persons who are twenty-four hours engaged," satata... Satata means always. Engaged. What kind of engagement? Bhajatam priti-purvakam. This engagement means always trying to render some service to the Lord. How? Priti-purvakam: "with love and faith." Not that "Oh, I have to do it? All right, let me do." No. "Oh, I have to do it? Let me do it nicely." Unless there is love, you cannot do it nicely, any matter.

Lecture oт Bhagavad-gita 2.39, London, September 12, 1973

September 8

We have got a great mission. You are one of the strong pillars of the mission. So I have all confidence in you. Follow strictly all our rules and regulations. Be fully strong to push on this cult amongst the educated scientific circle. That you are getting many speaking invitations is a good indication. Take advantage of this. Krsna is asking you to do this job. The people there are naturally Krsna conscious, and when you present more scientifically, then will be convinced.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara dasa, 8 September, 1974

September 6

Regarding the two books you have mentioned, Sri Ramacharitamanasa by Goswami Tulasi das is not very authorized, and Ramayana is authorized. One thing is though, you have got enough other books to study. Did you appear in the examination held on Janmastami Day? Why should you go to Ramayana when you have got Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Teachings of Lord Caitanya? Don't divert your attention in that way.

Letter to Raktaka, 6 September, 1969

August 31

So far your questions: Any tune can be used. When it is in relationship with Krishna, that makes it bona fide.

Letter to Ekayani, 31 August, 1971

August 30

In our society everyone, either a brahmacari or sannyasi or grhastha, who has dedicated his life and soul for this movement, they are all on the same level of sannyasi. For the present moment, nobody can claim an extra honor from his Godbrothers.

Letter to Brahmananda, 30 August, 1969

August 29

The postmaster was talking with me about the paper, Back to Godhead. He raised the same question. He said, "If we do our duty nicely then what is the use of worshiping God? If we become honest, if we become moral, if we do not do anything which is harmful to anyone, in this way, if we act, then where is the...?" Because our paper's name was Back to Godhead. So he was indirectly protesting, that What is the use of propagating this philosophy of Godhead if we act nicely? The Arya-samajists view... They are called... There is a English name, what is called? I forget now. Moralists. The technical name there is. Anyway, this is their point of view, how to avoid God. So I replied that if one is not God conscious, he cannot be moralist, he cannot be truthful, he cannot be honest. This is our point of view. You study the whole world only on these three points, morality, honest, and dutiful. So many nice things are there. But if he's not God conscious, he cannot continue such thing. He must fail. There are so many instances, even amongst the devotees, because this material world is made so that you cannot continue this principle perpetually. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita, you'll find. Because the three modes of material nature is working, even if you are on the platform of goodness, the other modes of material nature will try to attack you. And your goodness, morality, honesty, these things will be polluted by the onslaught of the other two inferior modes of nature. Therefore, sometimes we find that a very nice man committing some sinful activities.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.26-27, London, August 29, 1973

August 28

Anything in this material world, what is that? Tejo-vari-mrid vinimayam. An exchange of fire, water, and earth. Tejo-vari-mrid vinimayam. Exchange. You take earth, you take water, mix them, and put it into the fire, it becomes brick, then powder it, it becomes cement, then again combine them, it becomes a big skyscraper building. So as this material world, anything you take, it is simply a combination of these three ingredients, plus air and sky for drying. Air is required for drying. So combination of the five elements. Similarly, this body is also combination of five elements. There is no difference. But because in the big skyscraper building there is no soul, it stands in one place, but the body has got the soul, therefore it moves. That is the difference. The soul is the important thing. But they do not know. Just like we have manufactured the airplane and there is no soul, but another soul means the pilot. He takes care of it. He drives. Therefore, it is moving. So without soul, there cannot be any movement. Either the thing must have soul or some other soul will take care of it. Then it will move. Therefore, the important is the soul, not this material body.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.25, London, 28 August, 1973
