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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 14

For transcendental writing one must be an authorized Vaisnava and should write to purify oneself, not for credit. It may or may not be published, but one who is actually sincere in writing, all his ambitions will be fulfilled.

Letter to Patita Uddharana Das, 14 October, 1973

October 13

Yes, we want that businessmen, economists, religionists, students, etc. will all be carrying Bhagavatam and Gita.

Letter to Pradyumna, 13 October, 1969

October 12

But before saving others we must first see that we ourselves are protected from the dangerous effects of maya. Therefore my recommendation to you is that you should associate yourself with my disciples in one of our Krishna Consciousness centers, practice our regulative principles, and study my books very carefully. You are now living very near to our Los Angeles center, so please take advantage of this and participate fully in the program there. In this way your intelligence will become more and more purified and in consultation with the others there Krishna will give you the proper idea of how to spread Krishna consciousness.

Letter to Mr. Muckerheide, 12 October, 1974

October 11

Since I have come to America I have not heard anything from you. In the beginning I had to write two or three letter to your revered father, but I did not receive any reply from him. I therefore did not write him again and still I am anxious to hear about you all. Please therefore let me know how are you all. How is your mother and Bahuma, your wife, and how is your father. I hope everything is alright with you by Grace of Sri Sri Radha Damodara Jeu. Please reply this letter per return post as well as please let me know if you are receiving Rs 5/- per month regularly from the Punjab National Bank Ltd at Vrndavana. I am anxious to know about it.

Letter to Panchu, 11 October, 1966

October 10

Money you can utilize for duskritina and for sukritina. You can utilize your money for drinking wine, illicit sex, meat-eating and gambling. And you can utilize your money for Krsna's service, for offering yajnas, for constructing temple, sacrifices, push on the sankirtana movement, Krsna consciousness movement. So money is not good or bad. As you utilize it... Similarly, merit, merit also, there. You have got already merit better than the animals, but you have to utilize it for proper service. That is called Krsna consciousness. Consciousness we have got, merit we have got. Simply we have to utilize.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.16, Bombay, 10 October, 1973

October 9

If they are not healthy then how they can prosecute their education? If they are undernourished it is not good for their future activities. They must have sufficient quantity of milk and then dhal, capatis, vegetables, and a little fruit will keep them always fit. There is no need of luxurious fatty foods but milk is essential. A big building is also very good for the children's health. They can move freely and run and jump.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 9 October, 1971

October 8

It is Krishna's Grace that the walls for the advertisements may be properly utilized so the passengers in the trains can see it. You write if possible the following words: "We request you to chant HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA, KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE, HARE RAMA HARE RAMA, RAMA RAMA HARE HARE, and your life will be sublime.'' The mantra may be written in big letters, and the other words in smaller letters. Another slogan may be "Join the Krishna Consciousness Movement. It is peaceful, and it will bring peace and prosperity to everyone.''

Letter to Krishna das, 8 October, 1969

October 7

Regarding your proposal to become a doctor, because your mother wants to prosecute your education, I think if you can learn Krishna Consciousness perfectly, by reading our different literatures, and books, you will be a better doctor than the ordinary physician. The ordinary physician may cure the disease of the body, but if you become advanced in Krishna Consciousness, you will be able to cure the disease of the soul for many many persons. And that is more important than a doctor or medical practitioner for curing the disease of this body. However we may be expert for keeping this body fit, it is sure and certain that this will end. But if you can protect the soul from being fallen a victim of this material existence that is a greater service.

Letter to Tosana Krishna, 7 October, 1968

October 5

When cows were purchased in the beginning I have seen them crying because the calf was taken for killing. They can understand. Not that they are animal and cannot understand. The neighboring farmers come and they are astonished at the nice preparations made from their milk. I see in the small cottages they are living very, very happily. The cows are grazing, and the male members are doing the work. Local flowers are used for the garlands. Yes, New Vrindaban is almost a small state.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, 5 October, 1974

October 4

In my philosophy there is no abstinence from sex life but K.C. should teach us that sex life is the cause of us becoming conditioned to the material nature. Therefore advanced Krishna Consciousness student should know it well that sex life also should be dovetailed with Krishna consciousness. Better to avoid it; if not possible, to have in a regulated married life. But in all circumstances, our primary necessity is to advance in K.C.

Letter to Rayarama, 4 October, 1967
