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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 27

For your hair you can try a little castor oil. So far the milk fast, if possible you can observe it. But these things are not so important. For preaching work we have to make so many adjustments.

Letter to Himavati, 27 August, 1971

August 26

Regarding the English editing discrepancies, that how can I know? Let them point out which part and on which page so I can see.

Letter to Radhavallabha das, 26 August, 1975

August 25

Before Vyasadeva, all the Vedic Scriptures were taught and received verbally by the disciplic succession. Both the students and the Spiritual Master of those ages were so sharp in their memory that once they heard the transcendental message from the Spiritual Master the message was immediately imprinted in their brain as vivid as a written language. For example, Sukadeva Gosvami was narrating Srimad-Bhagavatam extemporaneously. The whole Srimad-Bhagavatam, eighteen thousand verses, very difficult to pronounce even and what to speak of memorizing, were narrated very easily just like reading some printed book. He narrated the whole subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam continuously for seven days and Maharaja Pariksit also understood the subject matter very clearly. Both of them were so meritorious that they attained the highest goal of life, namely the Lotus Feet of Lord Sri Krsna simply by reciting and hearing respectively.

Letter to Bali Mardan, 25 August, 1970

August 24

So far work is concerned, when it is absolutely necessary it can be done. But as far as possible we should work in our own field and on the basis of our principles.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 24 August, 1971

August 23

Generally people are spoiling their lives for decorating the dead body and giving no attention at all to the spirit soul within. Our business is just the opposite, to give more time to the spiritual life and accept material necessities only as required. This makes life perfect. This is the Vedic way of life. We do not reject or accept anything until it is seen in the light of our Krsna Consciousness Movement. Anything favorable for Krsna consciousness we accept and anything unfavorable we reject, anukulasya sankalpah pratikulyam-vivarjanam.

Letter to Tusta Krsna Maharaja, 23 August, 1976

August 22

It is pleasing to me that the Gujarati ladies and gentlemen who are in San Francisco, they should take keen interest in this movement because superficially or from the historical point of view, Krishna was a Gujarati. His father was a Gujarati, but His maternal uncle's house was in Mathura. And His foster father's house was at Vrindaban. So of course, these are superficial, so even we take Krishna as a historical Person, the Gujaratis must take more interest than others.

Letter to Vinode Patel, 22 August, 1968

August 21

The best solution is that we should train our all first-day small babies in such a way that they are always satisfied and there will be no disturbance in the meeting, and there will be no complaint. But there cannot be any hard and fast rules that only children who are grown up, 7 or 8 years old, can be admitted and no other children can be admitted. That is not possible, and I am not going to sanction any such rule. Rather I shall welcome a baby from the very beginning, so that the transcendental vibration may enter into its ear, and from the very beginning of its life, it becomes purified. But of course, the children cannot be allowed to disturb in the meeting by crying; and that is the mother's responsibility to keep them comfortable, and not to disturb the meeting.

Letter to Krishna devi, 21 August, 1968

August 20

Learned means brahmana. Learned means that one who knows that Brahman. Brahman, the spirit soul, is part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman. So one who has come to that knowledge, that "I am not this body; I am spirit soul; aham brahmasmi," that is knowledge. Knowledge begins from there. If one does not reach to that point, aham brahmasmi, then he is animal. The animal thinking like that, "I am rickshaw," "I am motorcar," "I am cat," "I am dog," "I am this," "I am that." That is animal thinking. But a person... Learned thinking is that "I am not this body; I am part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman, aham brahmasmi."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.21-22, London, 20 August, 1973

August 19

In spiritual life it is very important to set a good example. The teachings of the param para are simply based on this principle of acarya. Sometimes the wife must bring the husband to Krishna Consciousness, so you yourself must chant 16 rounds and follow the devotional practices and reading my books. If it is difficult for you and you are falling down then it would be better for you to live in any one of our temples. All of you are coming from backgrounds of bad habits, so to make progress in Krishna Consciousness we must overlook the faults of others. You must be patient with your husband. Chanting offenselessly is the remedy for all of these diseases.

Letter to Vidarbha Kanya dasi, 19 August, 1974

August 18

It is not that we did not exist in the past, and we are existing at present. That is everyone knows. So in the future, don't think that we may not exist. Na bhavisyamah. It is not that we shall not exist in the future. Na bhavisyamah, not exist, and another not. Two nots make one yes. Two negatives make one positive. So therefore, we have two negatives. Na caiva na bhavisyamah. Na bhavisyamah means not to exist in the future; that is not. That means we shall exist. Na caiva na bhavisyamah sarve... all of us. All of us, you, not that "Because I am God, because you are My friend, God's friend, and all others..." No, everyone. This is knowledge.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.12, London 18 August, 1973
