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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 3

The sum and substance of our philosophy is to love Krishna. Actually, we have got our inherent love propensity for Krishna, but due to our contact with material energy, that loving spirit is being overtaken by Maya. Just like a boy with hookworm, when he eats very much his body does not get nourished on account of the middle creature in his intestine. The food goes to the account of the hookworm. Similarly, we have got our dormant loving spirit for Krishna, but it is being misused by Maya. As such, we have gradually to disassociate with Maya or take such medicine which will counteract the contact of Maya. Then our pure Krishna Consciousness will come out automatically. So this chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra is the only medicine to drive out the smokey curtain created by Maya, covering our pure heart.

Letter to Bali Mardan and Sudama, 3 October, 1969

October 1

So far different participants in London are concerned, they must agree to our principles or they must follow our principles. You should be careful on this point. We cannot agree to make a mixed up association without any authorized principles. So far as Hindus are concerned, they are not fixed up in one principle. Under the circumstances, do not be misled that because some of the Hindus are taking interest in this movement, they are of the same opinion. You have seen the affairs in Montreal. So my final desire is that whatever you do, you must do it strictly on the principles of our society as we are doing in the US.

Letter to Mukunda, 1 October, 1968

September 30

The success of your preaching will be substantiated by how many books are sold. Anything you want to sell, you have to a little canvass, so he gives some money for the service of Krsna. That is his good luck and he gets the chance to read some transcendental knowledge. But if you only irritate and he goes away, that is your less intelligence. The fact is that we have to adopt the same tactics as ordinary salesmen adopt, but the difference is we do it for the satisfaction of Krsna, they do it for sense gratification.

Letter to Bali Mardan, 30 September, 1972

September 29

I understand that you are saving on the milk bill by supplying your own milk from the farm. This is wanted. If these farm projects are successful, then all this industry will be closed. We do not have to make propaganda, but automatically people will not want. The people are innocent. The rascal leaders say it is primitive to remain on the farm, but to do business in the city and become rogue and rascal, that is advanced. They have dog race, horse race, gambling, coca cola, pepsi cola - all unnecessary. There is no use for it but the business is going on. They take to cigarette and T.V. because they have no good engagement. They are chewing the already chewed.

Letter to Rupanuga das, September 29, 1975

September 27

The only difficulty I'm feeling is whether we can get sufficient students. Some of my disciples who are Ph.D.'s in science, they are also attempting our institution in Boston U.S.A., but I'm still doubtful how far they'll be successful on account of scarcity of students. It is said in the Kali-yuga everyman is on the standard of sudra, and the curriculum suggested by you is meant for the brahmana - that is the difficulty. We are attempting one Gurukula in Vrindaban and we have already begun building, to train children from the very beginning of life as is advised by Prahlada Maharaja.

Letter to Dr. Chatterjee, 27 September, 1976

September 26

Krishna explains in the 7th Chapter of B.G. that there are four classes of men who approach Him. There are millions of men in distress, or searching for money, or curious, or searching for knowledge, but only a few come to Krishna, and all of them are mahatma - simply because they have come to the right place, Krishna. That is not by chance, but due to their past pious deeds. No one can approach Krishna without being purified, so this is the process. But no matter what the original motive, if one actually comes to Krishna he is mahatma.

Letter to Hayagriva, 26 September, 1970

September 23

Bhakti means... When you are advanced in bhakti... Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat [SB 11.2.42]. That is the test. The example is... Just like when you are hungry, you are given some food, you are eating voraciously. But when you are satisfied, you'll say, "No more. No more." Similarly, when you get Krsna, then you will say, "No more. No more material necessities."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.10, Calcutta, September 23, 1974

September 22

There is nothing to be added new. The same principle should be followed, and the Deities should always be well-dressed in clothing and some ornaments and flowers and incense. The Deities should always be attractive. And the more we are engaged in decorating the Deities, washing the room, the more we are engaged in Deity worship, the more we become purified. That is practical.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 22 September, 1968

September 21

Thank you very much for your always presenting me with your hard-earned money. I can very much appreciate your sacrifices for me. Now my best advice to you is that you remain like Narada Muni, the perfect brahmacari, loitering all over the universe and chanting the Lord's name. I have understood that you are our top first class book distributer, and you can rest assured that this has not gone unnoticed by Krsna. Krsna appreciates very much when His devotee works very hard to serve Him. So you are doing the greatest service, do not be disturbed by anything temporary disturbance, simply focus your energy in always serving Krsna in this way of distributing His books widely, and you may travel if you like, and always under every circumstance remember to chant the Lord's name and remember His lotus feet, and that will protect you under every condition, without any doubt.

Letter to Visala, September 21, 1972

September 17

So mother Yashoda, Nanda and other elderly gopis, they used to treat Krsna as son, as beloved son, because if we accept God as father or mother... There is conception of mother also. The saktas... There are many devotees of Durga, Kali. They also accept the mother. The Christians accept as father. The conception of father and mother, that is good, but there is little service... Because children, they take service from the mother and father. They give, render very little service to the father and mother. Every children, every man, every woman has taken so much services from the father and mother. Everyone knows that. Just like those who are mothers here, how much service they are giving to the little children, how much careful they are that their child may not be in some difficulty, always anxious. Similarly, this philosophy, to accept God as son, means opportunity for rendering more service than to accept God as father.

Leсture on Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.11-12, Los Angeles, 17 September 1972
