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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 19

There is a proverb in which it is said, "My dear royal prince, please do not die. My dear Brahmacari, you die immediately. My dear saintly person, you die or live it is all the same. My dear butcher, you do not die and do not live.'' So we are neither butcher nor royal prince, some of us are Brahmacaris, and some of us are supposed to be saintly persons, so if the Brahmacaris die, he immediately goes to Vaikuntha, and if the saintly person dies, he is all the same—he is engaged here in Krishna's work, and he will be engaged in Krishna's work there also. So don't bother about this earthquake business. Chant Hare Krishna peacefully and do your duty nicely.

Letter to Rayarama, 19 November, 1968

November 18

I am very much sad to learn that you have left the company of the devotees over this incident at Gurukula school. Now you are living by yourself because you have been hurt by seeing that the children are sometimes mistreated, and because no one has taken your good advice in this connection. But you may be assured that I am always anxious about the welfare of my disciples, so that I am taking steps to rectify this unfortunate situation. Now my advice to you is to give up these feelings and return to your life of Krishna Consciousness devotional service, and if you go back to Dallas school and demonstrate to the other teachers there just the proper way to instruct and discipline the students nicely, that will be a great service.

Letter to Bhanutanya dasi, 18 November, 1972

November 17

It is very nice that all the men should participate in deity-worship, this will sanctify their all other work. I think you are the most clever manager, better than your husband, because you are organizing temple routine very nicely for serving the deities and this will have very good results for everyone.

Letter to Himavati, 17 November, 1971

November 16

Regarding RamaKrishna's book reviewing, I am not very much in favor of this unnecessary publicity to a person whom we do not like. We know that this institution is a bogus humbug only without any substance, and why should we bring them in prominence by criticizing them.

Letter to Brahmananda, 16 November, 1968

November 15

In the Vaikuntha factually there is no fault in anyone, but there is another type of competition. The competition is that one devotee thinks of other devotees how nicely they are serving the Lord. In the material world the attitude is that everyone likes to think that I am doing better than others. This is material conception. In the Spiritual Sky it is just the opposite: Everyone thinks that my contemporary devotees are doing better than me.

Letter to Brahmananda, 15 November, 1969

November 14

Your next question, "Is a pure devotee eternally liberated and if so is he at any time a conditioned soul? We are eternally conditioned, but as soon as we surrender to Krishna do we then become eternally liberated? When Lord Christ appeared he seemed to be conditioned in his growth. Was he a specific incarnation or a conditioned soul who became liberated?'' You are not eternally conditioned. You are eternally liberated but since we have become conditioned on account of our desire to enjoy materialistic way of life, from time immemorial, therefore it appears that we are eternally conditioned.

Letter to Aniruddha, 14 November, 1968

November 13

The Deity worship should be done just in the way it was carried out in my presence. You should see that such a high standard is maintained and that there are no irregularities. Irregularity means breaking the schedule.

Letter to Karandhara, 13 November, 1970

November 12

Yes, following the rules and regulations is the real qualification of GBC. We have made things easy for being qualified for such position, but still they are violating. Haridasa Thakura only took one of the items, the chanting, and he was so affectionate to Lord Caitanya. He was doing nothing, just chanting, but that means that he was doing everything. Your conclusion is very good and I very much appreciate that GBC or XYZ you are always servant of Krishna. That is wanted.

Letter to Kirtanananda Swami, 12 November, 1974

November 11

Our program is negative and positive simultaneously. We want to negate the materialistic side and make positive the spiritual side, it is not one sided. If you have no positive standing, negating only will not make you successful. Therefore it is better to remain positively within the society of pure devotees. That is also recommended by the Goswamis. That one should be occupied in activities in the modes of goodness and associate with spiritualistic persons, that will make one's advancement very quick.

Letter to Sivananda, 11 November, 1968

November 10

I am in due receipt of your card dated October 25, 1975 along with the beautiful photographs of Sri Sri Rukmini-Dvarakadhisa of New Dvaraka. So do it nicely. I have invited Krsna and He may not be insulted by disrespectful behavior. I have introduced this system of Deity worship amongst the non-believers, the atheists, the mlecchas, the yavanas and I pray to Krsna that I am inviting You to come, so please, because You are seated in their hearts, please give them the intelligence how to serve you so that You may not be inconvenienced. I have introduced this system to the mlecchas, the yavanas and the lowest and the fallen, but still it is successful. I think that you are doing nicely.

Letter to Jayatirtha das and Manjuali dasi, 10 November, 1975
