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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 25

The reason book distribution is greater than chanting is because the effect is wider. A purchased book goes into a person's home and will be read by others, whereas street kirtana only benefits those in the vicinity who hear.

Your servant, Brahmananda Swami, Personal Secretary
Seen: ACBS (initialed by hand)

Letter to Ramesvara Prabhu, 25 October, 1974

October 24

Vedic language cannot be understood by the less intelligent class of men, who are known as woman, sudra and dvija-bandhu, stri-sudra-dvija-bandhunam [SB 1.4.25]. In the Bhagavad-gita [Bg. 9.32] also it is said,

mam hi partha vyapasritya
ye 'pi syuh papa-yonayah
striyo sudra tatha vaisyas 
te 'pi yanti param gatim
So when one becomes Krsna conscious, it does not matter whether he's a stri or a sudra or a dvija-bandhu. Te 'pi yanti param gatim: they also can be elevated to the highest platform of perfection. So that is Krsna's special favor.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.13, Vrndavana, 24 October, 1972

October 22

Krishna is so nice. He is carrying the whole planetary system as Sankarsana, but at the same time, He agrees to be carried by His devotees as small as a devotee can carry Him. He is greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest. His greatness is there even when He becomes small to be carried by a devotee. The Mayavadis cannot understand how the greatest can become the smallest as it is impossible on material understanding.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 22 October, 1968

October 21

So far as girls or boys lecturing in the morning, that doesn't make any difference. Either girl or boy devotees may deliver lecture if they choose to do. We have no such distinction of bodily designations, male or female. Krishna Consciousness is on the spiritual platform. As such, anyone who is a devotee of the Lord, following in this line of disciplic succession, can deliver lecture, on the teachings of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc.

Letter to Syama dasi, 21 October, 1968

October 20

Our business is, this human form of life, to get out of this cycle of birth and death and wandering in different species of life. This is the mission of human life.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.22, Bombay, 20 October, 1973

October 19

The varnasrama system is for convenience sake in the material world. It has nothing to do with spiritual life. Acceptance of varnasrama means a little easy progress to spiritual life, otherwise it has no importance to us.

Letter to Hamsaduta das, 19 October, 1974​

October 18

Material nature means dissension and disagreement, especially in this Kali yuga. But, for this Krsna consciousness movement its success will depend on agreement, even though there are varieties of engagements. In the material world there are varieties, but there is no agreement. In the spiritual world there are varieties, but there is agreement. That is the difference.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, 18 October, 1973

October 17

Many people are publishing nonsense magazines as they are collecting money in that way. So this is a Vaisnava magazine, and in Bombay especially, there are many Vaisnavas rich men, merchants, they will be very glad that Krishna Consciousness is being preached in America, and they will donate space. They have got money.

Letter to Rayarama, 17 October, 1968

October 16

So after returning to India, if you can organize some opinion, at least the Vaisnava sect, in your Gujarat, there are so many Vaisnavas. All over there are so many Vaisnavas. So they should come forward to cooperate with me, then it will be a very nice organization. We want to establish that one God, Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; one mantra Hare Krishna; and one work, service to the Supreme Lord.

Letter to Jariwala, 16 October, 1968

October 15

I have noted with great attention your statement that you are sitting at one desk in a tiny office, room, which is ferociously hot in summer and freezing cold in winter. So people might think you mad if they heard of your crazy work. So spiritual activities are like that. Sometimes my contemporaries from India, they also write that in this age, the age of 73, when people would naturally like to retire, and I am working here. So this is all possible by Grace of Krishna. Krishna can adjust opposing elements. In the material world, yes and no are two opposing elements, but by Krishna's inconceivable power, yes can be no, and no can be yes. That is the law of Krishna.

Letter to Rayarama, 15 October, 1968
