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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 29

If you think that the combination of chemicals can produce living force, then why don't you do it in the laboratory? The chemicals are there. You can combine and just produce a small ant, moving. Then it is... Science means observation and experiment. So if you simply observe, and cannot make any experiment, practical, so then that is not science. That is only theory. That is not possible. No scientist has ever made any living entity by combination of chemicals in the laboratory. Nobody can do that.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.26, Hyderabad, 29 November, 1972

November 28

Our mission is to protect our devotees from unnecessary heavy work to save time for advancing in Krsna consciousness. This is our mission. So there is no question of profit, but if easily there are surplus products, then we can think of trading. Otherwise we have no such intention. We want a temple, a gosala and agriculture.

Letter to Yasomatinandana, 28 November, 1976

November 27

Regarding the Gaura Nitai deities, I think 100 dollars is too much to pay for one pair of deities. Better you carve them from wood. In India the carvers have always used a wood bitter in taste, this keeps the worms from eating it, best is nim wood if such wood (bitter in taste) is available there then why not make Gaura Nitai from wood. In New Vrindaban we have so much woodland, it is not that deities have to be made in Hawaii, why not in New Vrindaban and supply all our centers?

Letter to Brsni Das Prabhu, 27 November, 1975

November 26

"If you pat your subordinates it will increase their faulty habits and if you chastise them, they will improve. Therefore it is advised that either your son or disciple, you should always chastise them, never give them leniency. So a little leniency, immediately so many faults will grow. Now for our practical life we are known all over the world as shaven headed, is it not? Now we are becoming hair-headed, we are forgetting shaving. Because there is a little leniency, immediately faulty things are creeping in. So we should be known as shaven-headed, not hair-headed. This is discrepancy. At least once in a month you must be clearly shaven-headed. On the bright fortnight, on the day of purnima, four days after ekadasi.

Letter to Ramesvara Maharaja, 26 November, 1976

November 25

The real point is that Sridhara Swami is still being criticized by you in the following words, ". . . and has shown specifically the nature of the error committed by the previous Commentators including Sridhara Swami . . . Sridhara Swami . . . was never regarded as a Master . . .'' So, this criticism of Sridhara Swami was as much intolerable for Caitanya Mahaprabhu as His criticism upon Vallabhacarya is intolerable for you. Such kind of friendly criticism you'll always find among learned scholars, but that does not mean any ill feeling with one another. So, as you can criticize Sridhara Swami in the above words, what is the wrong if in the same spirit the supporters of Sridhara Swami criticize you. There is an English proverb spoken by Lord Jesus Christ, "Judge not others lest ye be judged.''

Letter to Giriraja, 25 November, 1976

November 24

Your enthusiasm for starting centers for educating the people of the world in this sublime Krsna Consciousness process is very good. You are actually authorized agent of my Guru Maharaja and through Him, Lord Caitanya. He predicted that in every town and village of the world His Name will be well known and you are trying for fulfilling His mission, certainly He will give you all strength and blessings. We simply have to work sincerely and automatically all other things will come.

Letter to Bali Mardan, 24 November, 1970

November 23

We are the only movement in the world which is preaching the real fact or secret to success, and outside our movement everything else will fail. So try to convince people to join us and be successful in their life, that will be your credit.

Letter to Kurusrestha, 23 November, 1972

November 22

We are trying to educate our disciples to produce Krishna Conscious children, but your father and mother, without being Krishna Conscious, have produced such nice Krishna Conscious boys, so I am very much obliged to them. The facilities which your father is giving you is going to his credit in Krishna Consciousness. The more he gives you facility, the more his balance in Krishna Consciousness. He does not know how his Krishna Consciousness balance is increasing, but one day will come when you will see that actually your father is a good soul. So you try to win the love and affection of your father some way or other. You are very intelligent boy and Krishna will also give you extra intelligence how to deal with your father. But you must treat your father as respectful as myself; even if you are sometimes ill-treated, you should tolerate.

Letter to Gargamuni, 22 November, 1968

November 21

From the Srimad-Bhagavatam we learn that the universe is like a tree with the roots being upwards. The pole star which is situated within the Asking question star constellation is the root. The universe is pivoting around the pole star. That is one movement. The second movement is that the sun is revolving around the universe, or as if it were going around the tree. That is the second movement. The sun is not fixed. If this is proved, then their whole scientific theory collapses.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara das, 21 November, 1975

November 20

My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Anything material, if it is used for the service of Krishna, it is a mistake to give it up.'' Because I have understood this principle, he used to appreciate me in front of my godbrothers.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 20 November, 1971
