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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 24

Everyone is under the control of maya. Nobody is free. But there are two maya, yoga-maya and maha-maya. Maha-maya, this material world, and yoga-maya the spiritual world. If you agree to be under the yoga-maya, then you are happy. Just like there are two kinds of laws: civil laws and criminal laws. You have to remain under one of these laws. But if you live under criminal law, then you go to the jail, and if you live under civil law, then you are free. But in either condition, you cannot say that "I am free of law." That is foolishness. That is foolishness. The atheist class of men, they say that "We do not believe in God." But that is craziness. You may believe God or may not believe, but you are under the stringent laws of God. That you cannot say, that "I am free." No.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.15, Bombay, 24 December, 1974

December 23

I was also grhastha but now I am sannyasi. As grhastha I was thinking it would be very difficult to leave my householder life and take up preaching full time. But actually it has become very easy by the grace of Sri Krsna. Now there are no difficulties. So I recommend that you also take up this life. Now that your household duties are more or less finished I think this is your best alternative.

Letter to Sri Srinivasan, 23 December, 1974

December 22

One cannot call himself a devotee, but servant he can call himself always. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented Himself as "Patitam kimkarana mam visamey charambudhva''. Kimkaram means servant.

Letter to Hrdayananda Maharaja, 22 December, 1975

December 21

Distribution definitely doubling in USA, Hare Krsna, Ramesvara'' This kind of wonderful news is very pleasing to my heart and I thank you all again and again. I think this is the first time in history that ever before so many religious books have sold so popularly. Four thousand books in one day is a very unique figure. Keep distributing as many as possible in huge quantities. This is my pleasure. We must make a large propaganda program for Krsna Consciousness by distributing these books everywhere, all over the world.

Letter to Ramesvara, 21 December, 1968

December 20

If we keep ourselves purely on the standard of Lord Caitanya's order, then chanting by us of the Holy Names of Krishna will descend as powerfully as He acted previously, during the time of Jagai and Madhai.

Letter to Himavati, 20 December, 1969

December 19

Regarding my apartment, if it is possible to keep it with no strain on your financial condition it is alright. Otherwise I am not very serious about retaining the apartment. Everything should be performed with no strain because too much financial strain will hamper our progress in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Brahmananda, 19 December, 1968

December 18

I can understand from your letter that you are very intelligent. Generally India people are not taking up this movement, although it is their original culture, they are now in favor of economic development and technological advancement which can never do any good to the people in general, neither material nor spiritual. After all a living being lives by the grace of God. He cannot eat nuts and bolts, however nicely they may be manufactured. We live by food grains, vegetables and milk products as it is stated in the Bhagavad gita "All living bodies subsist on food grains which are due to rains come by proper performance of sacrifice'' Human life is meant for sacrifice to please Visnu.

Letter to Tulsi Das, 18 December, 1975

December 17

The other day I was talking on the morning walk about the sun globe. They say because it is fiery there cannot be any life there, but sometimes we see a big iron factory is full of flames from the chimney at a long distance, but does it mean there is no life in the factory? Fire is one of the five material elements, and Bhagavad-gita says that the soul is never burnt by fire. So in the sunglobe globe if the living entities have a fiery body, just as fish have body suitable for living in the water, so how is it that there is no living entity in the sun globe if they have a body suitable to live in the sun globe? In the Vedic literatures it is said that there are germs (agni pok) within the fire.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara Prabhu, 17 December, 1975

December 16

You become a lover of God and offer Him whatever you eat, whatever you do. Then see the result, how peaceful you become and how the world becomes peaceful. Simply by theoretical resolution you can make peace in the world? Now resolve, "We shall not fight." Oh, next moment you are fighting. UNESCO resolution is going on for the last twenty years, and where is the peace? That is not the way of peace. Here is the peace. Try to establish your lost relationship with Krsna, or God. Then there will be peace.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 9.26-27, New York, 16 December, 1966

December 14

As soon as we distinguish here is a pure devotee, here is a non-pure devotee, that means I am a nonsense. Why you only want to be in the spiritual sky with Siddhasvarupa? Why not all? If Siddhasvarupa can go, why not everyone? Siddhasvarupa will go, you will go, Syamasundara will go, all others will go. We will have another ISKCON there. Of course, Mr. Nair must stay. And if somebody does not go, then I shall have to come back to take him there. One should remember this and every one of my disciples should act in such a way that they may go with me and may not have to come back to take another birth.

Letter to Tusta Krishna, 14 December, 1972
