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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 24

The sixteen word Maha Mantra is nobody's invention. There are authorized mantras in the different Puranas which are Vedic authorities. Especially in the Kali Santara Upanisad it is stated that this sixteen word Maha Mantra is the Holy Name of the Supreme Brahma for the deliverance of the fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted, Haridasa Thakura chanted 24 hours, all the Goswamis and Acaryas chanted, my Guru Maharaja chanted, and following all these footsteps we are also chanting. So they are authorized by disciplic succession, and all of us must chant at least 16 rounds daily to keep us fit on the Krishna Consciousness transcendental platform.

Letter to Ranadhira, 24 January, 1970

January 23

Krishna devi is in the strong clutches of Maya, and she wants to have a new husband under any price. I have never allowed her in that way. But if she served Krishna's cause, I will not disallow her, because that is our main business. My point is that she must conduct that center, not that I have encouraged her to accept this boy. If she wants to keep this new friend, and keep up the S.F. center, I welcome it, but not that I am encouraging her to have a new husband.

Letter to, 23 January, 1968

January 22

The grhasthas may be encouraged to do agriculture. In the Indian villages like in Vrindaban, they get enough ghee for their personal use, and sufficient excess to be sold to the merchants, who then also get some money.

Letter to Jayatirtha, 22 January, 1976

January 21

I am so glad to understand that as soon as your finances are almost depleted, Krishna sees to everything. This is the process of Krishna Consciousness. If we are sincere, Krishna will supply us with all necessities of life. When we serve some mundane master, he gives us sufficient salary, so when we serve the Supreme Master, how it is possible that He will keep us fasting? Actually due to our lack of Krishna Consciousness sometimes we become disturbed with shortage of funds. But we should be confident that our necessities will certainly be fulfilled by the Supreme Lord. The same incident sometimes happens in New York temple. When there is a shortage of funds, sometimes they find money accidentally without knowing the source.

Letter to Gurudasa and Yamuna, 21 January, 1969

January 20

We must always be careful to render firstly our routine devotional practices, and maintain always the highest standards of chanting, preaching, temple worship, rising early, cleansing, street sankirtana, etc.; business is secondary to our basic routine work. If the routine Krishna Consciousness program is neglected for other things, then everything else will fail.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 20 January, 1972

January 19

Whatever item is suitable, that is accepted as very elevated. Just like Maharaja Pariksit. He simply listened to Sukadeva Gosvami. That is sravanam. And Sukadeva Gosvami simply narrated Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is kirtanam. Prahlada Maharaja simply contemplated - smaranam. Prthu Maharaja simply did deity worship - arcanam. Arjuna only remained as friend of Krishna - sakhyam. Hanuman remained only engaged in carrying out the order of Lord Ramacandra - dasyam. And Bali Maharaja surrendered everything to Krishna - atma-nivedanam. So, any devotee executing any one of the nine is transcendentally glorious.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 19 January, 1975

January 18

I cannot tell you how very much I enjoyed listening to this wonderful tape recording. All of the super-excellent qualities of kirtana were present on this tape and it was thus a great joy to hear it. On this tape Rupanuga has set an example for all householders because there was singing on this of Hare Krishna by all of his family members. It was all sounding very nicely, and I am going to show this tape to the Sankirtana Party which is here in Los Angeles so they may take example from such nice kirtana.

Letter to Bhurijana, 18 January, 1969

January 17

Nobody takes birth. Even we do not take birth; we simply change body. So what to speak of God? God and we, we are qualitatively one.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.21, Hawaii, 17 January, 1974

January 16

That there is a scarcity of money certainly means mismanagement. I have seen it myself that sometimes they sell books and do not send back the money. Why is that? This situation must be rectified. An accurate account of all dealings must be kept by those involved. How else things will be managed?

Letter to Jagadisa, 16 January, 1971

January 15

Physically and mentally we may be disturbed sometimes, but we have to stand erect on the spiritual platform. I may inform you in the connection that I am at the present moment physically unfit; I am having always a buzzing sound in my brain. I cannot sleep soundly at night, but still I am working because I try to be in my position of spiritual platform.

Letter to Yamuna devi and Harsarani devi, 15 January, 1968
