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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 27

You inquire why, if the devotee is struggling very hard to be free of the clutches of Maya, then how can he not be interested in such liberation? That is a contradiction. The devotee is not interested in liberation, but in serving; as such, the devotee is already liberated. So liberation is not very important business - it doesn't matter if he is liberated or nonliberated. The idea is that nobody should serve Krishna with motive, even up to liberation, he should serve for service sake.

Letter to, 27 February, 1972

February 26

I thank you for your check, but I would prefer that you may require the money for your treatment. So if you like I can return it.

Letter to Jayananda, 26 February, 1977

February 24

There is superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. He likes that "This kind of bija, or the seed, will produce this kind of flower and this kind of flavor." The superintendence is there of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. We fools, we say, we cannot explain. We say "Nature." What is this nature? There must be brain behind the nature. Otherwise, how a rose, so nicely it is coming? Even from artistic point of view, if you want to paint one flower, you have to take so much labor, so many colors, reflection, and so many instruments, then hardly you can paint one nice rose flower. Still, it is not as good. And not at all good in comparison to the original flower. So if this third-class flower, you have to apply so much brain, and this first-class flower has no brain behind it? Is that very good logic? What is this logic? There must be brain.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.9-10, Bombay, 24 February, 1974

February 22

You say that Rohini Kumar is an artist, so he can do comic work. There are other girls there such as Indira who can also do this. So we shall fill up the pages simply with Vedic ideas.

Letter to Rayarama, 22 February, 1969

February 21

I am very pleased to note that you are nicely engaged in preparing Bhoga at the Boston temple and you are also going on Sankirtana. Please study very carefully all our books and learn our philosophy with the help of our many experienced students there in Boston, and remain happy in Krsna Consciousness under the care and guidance of Sriman Satsvarupa and Sriman Brahmananda as you are their younger sister.

Letter to Daughter Manmohini, 21 February, 1970

February 19

It is said in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that this devotional service is so powerful that even if a devotee occasionally falls down from the standard there is no loss for him. If he is sincere, he will automatically rectify his error and Lord Krsna immediately purifies him from within. This is stated in the Bhagavad-gita also, that for the devotee Krsna gives all protection, and there is never any loss for him. But if one is not engaged in Krsna Consciousness, there is no gain for him in any position of material life. So we must stick firmly to the chanting of the Holy Name and following the rules. This will keep us from being tricked by Maya. But there is no question of disappointment for some temporary bewilderment.

Letter to Sucandra, 19 February, 1970

February 18

I am very much pleased that the Deities are worshiped so nicely and as this continues, the children there will become more and more purified. These children in Gurukula are the most fortunate children in the world, because right from the beginning they are having the association of Radha and Krishna. This was the case in my childhood also. My father was pure Vaisnava and he gave me and my sister the Radha Krishna Deities to worship and in this way we were trained. And still to this very day my sister is worshiping these very same Deities in Calcutta. So like this the children must be trained.

Letter to bhaktin Tony, 18 February, 1973

February 17

I am in due receipt of your letter and article entitled "Matter Comes from Life''.
It is very nice and why not publish in BTG? It must be published in BTG. And you must also publish in other journals. That is our business. Let them protest or accept. If they protest, we will reply them again. If they accept, then that is victory. It must be recognized that we are not just a religious sect. People are being kept in darkness, so we are trying our best to give this to the world; we must work in that spirit and become qualified.

Letter to Madhava das, 17 February, 1976

February 16

It is nice that you are continuing to distribute BTG. If karmi dress is favorable, then go on with karmi dress. We have to execute missionary activities; dress is not fundamental.

Letter to Satadhanya das, 16 February, 1976

February 14

Regarding our sankirtana party members dressing up as hippies in order to increase book distribution this is not a very good plan. I am instructing Bali Mardan Maharaja that this should be stopped, that we should not give anyone cause to call us hippies, but the devotees can dress up in respectable clothes like ladies and gentlemen in order to distribute my literatures under special circumstances, but even this program should not become widespread.

Letter to Rupanuga, 14 February, 1973
